This is Lachie's Steppe gf, say something nice about her

This is Lachie's Steppe gf, say something nice about her.

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Made for bbc

I'll rape her in front of aussie autist

based steppe gf poster

I only hope we get to follow along when he goes to Kyrgyzstan and realises making major life decisions based on a manga isn’t a good idea

*Big Horse Cock
I'm the anti Steppe gf poster.

I bet she fucks horses

That's the wrong one ya nut.

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>I'm the anti Steppe gf poster.
guess not all aussies are based. shame

>read this mango
>wtf I want steppe wife now
>fly to kazakhstan
>get scammed by taxi driver and shaken down by local police
>have to petition mummy for more money
>travel out into what passes for steppe roads in a rented jeep
>after hours of being jostled and fearing the jeep won't survive, see yurt
>at last... my steppe wife
>burst through the door stuttering autistically and gesturing at my light skin and nice, gentlemanly clothes
>family of sun-dried brown mongoloids staring back at me
bros, do not fall for it, it's another 2D lie

I know, I've done my research, but I pick Amir because I don't know about Pariya's age.

I haven’t read it in like three years,, but IIRC it’s pretty much implied that she’s like 14-15. Is it still running?

20 I think it is, it isn't really mentioned outside of this.

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i read some of this for the oneshota only and then stopped. a girl recommended it to me.

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>being steppepilled from some cringe weebie manga

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So which country do you plan on going to?

if you say the magic words I'll post the real steppe gfs


No, I didn't get steppepilled. I'm taking the piss out of steppe posters.

Attached: steppe gf.png (1030x1560, 601.2K)

wrong words


You haven’t even read the manga fuck you retard. Fake faggot

not quite there

I can't believe drawfag has done this to me.

>ywn live in the steppe
whats the point

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lol she's fucking a horse, I thought only white women did that

I can't go on like this anymore.

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There're only horse in the Steppes.
You're baiting me to make more? I'm not falling for that?

I want to read that manga because of that lady with long hair and big tits

Hey you never replied to my DM, I want my patreon donations back

Next year I'll probably find my way to Russia or Mongolia during my summer holidays. I want to visit Central Asia but I want to do a long trip so after I'm finished uni.

Praise Tengri

you can't put headband over a muslim white girl and call her steppe.

real deals look like this

the magic words were "I hate china", your welcome


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Haven't even restarted me Patreon yet ya autist.

I wish i could travel to Russia and look for my waifu but I'm a poorfag