why do they go to poland for work
wages there are are ok but they're not as high as those in western europe, they would get more money if they immigrated to the west instead
Why do they go to poland for work
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They can't without a work visa as they aren't in the EU.
Probably easier to get into Poland?
If you want an work visa here as non-EU citizen it is not easy to get. You have to work in special field or earn quite a bit of money. (55.200+€/year) Low skilled pretty much have no chance.
Westerners prefer Eritrean and Syrian nuclear engineers, it's very hard for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians to actually move there even for temporary work
westoids don't want to let them in because they aren't brown and muslim
meanwhile we Poles will always help our slavic brothers in need
Sorry, welfare leeches only!
where are the black people
y'all need diversity
Hello there
We don't want eastern europeans who try to make a living for themselves.
We ONLY want analphabetic somalians who breed like rabbits and can't perform semi-advanced cognitive tasks
Sorry we only BLACK and NAFRI to breed our women! No qt ukrainian ice princess
Fallait mettre du porno interracial pour passer le message, bien sûr.
Why do poles refuse to speak russian and act all butthurt when I ask them to do so? It's not like I'm telling them to speak lithuanian or some rare language they don't know.
>who try to make a living for themselves.
What the fuck
This is literally like that one pebblethrow comics
You do not know russian anyway
Why would they be able to speak Russian?
The bloc wasn't like USSR
Eastern Europeans aren't that bad.
Fuck's sake I'd take the whole of Poland in my back garden before I'd have one bulb head.
t. Mariusz
>tfwn barely 18 qt hoholinka prostitute
Based and Slavpilled
Cringe and Leafpilled
Do poles think of ukrainians as trash?
we see them as temporarily confused poles
aлфaвит yжe я знaю
yжe пишy и читaю
и вce бyквы пa пapяткy
бeз aшипки нaзывaю
most people are neutral, some are positive, a bit fewer are negative (muh bandera/dey takin ar jebs), some might be condescending towards ukraine as a whole but in 99,9% of all cases there are no issues
i think it's a similar relation as between germany and poland
If you work in special fields we need (to lazy to translate, but you get the idea: Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik sowie Ärzte) you only need to earn 43.056 Euro a year.
I know which fields they would be just find the figure high, that's brutto right? So 3k netto
Because the're like brothers to us, where's in the west they would be treated as second-class citizens.
>similar language
>similar culture
>close to home
>easy to get a work permit
But actually a lot of Ukrainians only spend some time in Poland until they already get a work permit in a richer country or simply find an illegal job there and they leave for this country. Poland is kind of a transit country for them.
Ukrainian women are built for big polish cock
Ah yes brothers who clean toilets
Crime is not a living.
i'm sorry, are you talking about blacks or spics right now?