Arab slut cucks her husband

>arab slut cucks her husband
>starts a religion

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she wasn't arab, arabs have always been bedouins. She was part of the same semitic family though, and she didn't cuck anyone. Christ is king and the only way, once you accept that you will be saved.

>shitskin arab/japanese/amerimutt rapebaby
opinion discarded

>Philippines flag talking about cucks

>t. 5 feet tall brown giga manlet with a tiny penis



>arabs have always been bedouins
America, the post.
Bedouin are not related to Arabs, 2 diferent races.
Sure, some bedoins speak Arab, but are not arabs.

why are you guys talking about his nationality? try to come up with something against the thing he said

fuck off mehmet durkoglu

imagine worshipping a bastard child of a whore as holy person

religionfags have no argument

why are you guys so mean? shouldn't you turn the other cheek like the cucks your religion advises?

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I don't know what would be worse, this subhuman being a reguar filipino or a moro one.

turn the other cheek, philipino boy

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Bend your back cheeks towards me flip boy

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Duterte please, you have a country to run

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That's based actually

>Why are you pregnant?
> know... it's the son of God?
*Changes human history forever*

Arabs at the time were just some tribes stuck in arabia.
Mary was ethnically israelite.

I accept christ as king but im still raping you for that absolutely retarded “all arabs are bedouins” statement. I know its in your nature as someone bearing an american flag but it had to be done

Well tbf Jesus did resurrect himself

Jesus was the bastard son of a roman soldier and Joseph was a cuck. Mary just told him he was the son of God to cope with her depraved act and since then he LARPed as a messiah until he took his autism too far and got crucified by the based Romans.

i mean what do you chose in her position - semitic cuck who's work with wood all day or roman bvll? choice is oblivions since there no BLACK bvlls yet

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his hair turned to grey after realizing he's cucked. feels bad

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She was a jew

They were Jewish not arab.


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She was a jew

Holy based
