>French and English flags start arguing about literally anything
ten posts in:
>Notice how you said that in English?
>Notice: from the old french notece...
French and English flags start arguing about literally anything
kek it really do be like that
lol relatable
Most English vocabulary comes from French, from the time we invaded and rape ruled them for 300 years
off your pills again timothée?
Their current aristocracy is still of french origin, and they own 70% of all land in England
mission accomplished nigel you can come home now
lol so true
English is a romance language, a subset of French.
He's right
You have to go back
non c'est toi qui dois retourner (au lit) timothée
rien de plus pathétique que d'être obnubilé par des choses qui se sont produites il y a 1000 ans, paie toi une escort
Obtiens du sexe incel britannique
va tremper le biscuit timothée
I can only see one word in what you wrote that comes from Old French. Also
>English is a romance language
Shut up fat. If you think that you're reading something written in a Romance tongue right now then you're not only a little mistaken. But maybe you know something that I don't, maybe you see something French in here? Go ahead, read through my words thoroughly and tell me what's in any way French about them, I'll wait.
I thought they were german
There are way more but I don't expect a Swedish retard to know better
Thats the royalty, the aristocracy are mostly from France
>Doubting the abilities of the Swedish language knower
Getting comfy ready for a treat for the eyes
>French and English flags getting along peacefully
three posts in:
>Most English vocabulary comes from French, from the time we invaded and rape ruled them for 300 years
WHAT A SHAME.........
The Swedish anglo weiner sucker
>There are way more
I had another look and now I've found two. "Vocabulary" and "rule". That's all.
it isn't. There's a reason all germanic cunts bust the romance cunts when it comes to english proficiency
There can only be one greatest European country and it's France
He sucks the penis of truth
>There's a reason all germanic cunts bust the romance cunts when it comes to english proficiency
Indeed. English is more or less Scandinavian with West Germanic words.
They don't though. Italians are indistinguishable from Americans. Germans make all kinds of weird constructs that parse as erroneous.
The French would be top notch at English if they cared to learn it.
The only reason for their proficiency in English is that having no historical, cultural, artistic, scientific achievements they bandwagoned the Anglo world like beggars, and slurp everything anglo, it wasn't hard for English culture to fill the desperate empty void that is Scandinavia
Rape is also from Old French, see Latin "raptae".
t. Country literally has laws to try and stop people consuming anglo culture because they are so vulnerable
The French poster ITT is mentally ill and admitted several times to having a micropenis
Fat maybe try looking at the word FAMILY, before saying English is in the Romance family
your brothers are still your brothers and your dad is still your dad even if you hang out with your new friend more and have more in common with him
Same with English. His dad (old Germanic) is still his dad even though he started fucking French.
>Ask French person if he'd like a drink
>He says 'wee'
Err...... lads??? Any idea what to do here?
Take out your dick and piss in his mouth
>Italians are indistinguishable from Americans
A big chunk of Italians don't even know how to speak English you big fat dumb. I've met Italians, I've been to Italy. You'd do best to shut the fuck up. If you want to lie to us then at least say something that most Europeans won't already know isn't true.
>no historical, cultural, artistic, scientific achievements
Shut up bitch. You'll never come to Sweden and get a Nobel prize. And you'll never write anything of worth reading either.
It's from Latin.