/lang/ - language learning general

Amerindian edition (let's try this again)
>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Zig Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages:

Lots of books on linguistics of various kinds, as well as language courses:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

List of trackers for most language learning packs:

MEGA archive with language torrents:

Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

Remember to ignore trolls and report spam threads and garbage that pushes /lang/ off the board.

Old thread

Attached: langues amerindiennes.jpg (2970x1959, 752.7K)

yo estoy ya apriendendo espanol pero, deseo aprendar uno mas lingua. preferiblemente una lingua de asia. que lingua de asia es hablado en la mas paises?

i am already learning spanish but i want to know learn another language. preferably an asian one. what asian language is spoken in the most countries? they're a huge time sink and i want to be sure i pick the most useful.

Sto imparando Italiano per fottere tutte le fighe med e fare gli uomini med arabbiati.


Domus... *magna (fem. noun)
*Paulam... Reginam

cringe: releasing a document describing your conlang
based: translating all the reading passages of Lingua Latina into your conlang

>OSV languages

Attached: 9b7bc80097179ffac4f41230785550d7.jpg (235x290, 7.55K)

there are only like five of those around

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>lingua no learn latina

You must be right, you are an expert on not learning Latin after all, scottsason.

Why are Russian words harder to remember than Japanese ones, this is bullshit

gib challenge

idk what the hell those words are but id like to learn russian. i dunno any other worthwhile languages

Зaбoни фopcӣ бeҳтap acт, вaқтe ки бo cиpиллик нaвиштa мeшaвaд

Attached: tajik_plov.jpg (1024x682, 300.47K)

Por qué no terminas español primero?
Anche io, amico.
Gratias tibi

The languages mentioned in the OP are often made-up memes.

I'm realizing that it's hard to make a challenge where the difficulty levels beyond easy are consitent between different languages outside of the same family.

>Por qué no terminas español primero?
apriendendo espanol por diferentes razones.

Abiding by word order rules is not a Gigachad move

(estoy) aprendiendo el español para razones diferentes*
Also, install the English-International keyboard already so you can type properly.


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no point in learning if you just whip out the dictionary all day

learn language one at a time or your progress for both will take a nosedive. language is not something you can half-ass

All of the mistakes were grammatical; none were things that could be solved by just looking in a dictionary.
As long as you regularly and frequently spend time with all of them, you can learn as many languages as you have time for, as long as they aren't closely related.

>(estoy) aprendiendo el español para razones diferentes*
Estoy aprendiendo español por otros motivos/otras razones/razones diferentes.

>learn language one at a time or your progress for both will take a nosedive.
this is counter to what i've read elsewhere. it would appear to be beneficial even if not neutral to learning. I spend about an hour a day on spanish and would probably add an hour every other day in the morning for whatever asian language i choose.

>what asian language is spoken in the most countries?
Chinese of course

gracias pero, cual es correcto?

you would think, as did i. however its not really true from what i've learned from asians and googling. they all kind of just speak their own languages or english there is no lingua franca other than english as i had hoped.

I think we're both right. If the "reasons" are things you're trying to accomplish or want to be able to do using Spanish, use para; if they're things that acted as the impetous for learning Spanish, use por.

You asked what language is spoken in "the most countries." By any metric (number of countries where it is official, number of countries with a large diaspora, size of diaspora, total number of speakers) this is Chinese

buddy i don't give a fuck about you're autism. i feel like people understood what i meant.

Por razones, not para razones.

I answered your question. Fuck you

>you're autism

you answered it like a cunt because you're a cunt. are you learning a language or do you just come here to condescend to people?

I speak Japanese fluently for what it's worth. I didn't answer it like a cunt you chose to not accept it like a cunt.

Honestly, Americans amaze me by how stupid they are. They're able to fuck up when speaking the most simple language in the world. Imagine if English had cases, conjugations, liaisons, mutations or tones.

What I wrote with “otros motivos” OR “otras razones” OR “razones diferentes” (but this last one sounds a bit weird).

Las ambas.

Are these sentences wrong?
>¿Para qué estudias el español? ¿Lo estudias para razones diferentes que la mayoría de gente?
>Estudio el español para hacer otras cosas.