I was cucked by a Japanese man in Tokyo.
I was in holydays in Tokyo with my ex gf now.
At first I thought Japanese were beta with girls, so I let my gf to go to club with her friends. The day of the cucking I said to her that that I was going to visit Shibuya all the afternoon but unfortunately for me I forgot my debit card visa electron at the Airbnb. I was already in public transport, it took me 25 minutes to go back.
I go home and I heard moans in the bed room, I discreetly check and I see my gf in doggy and fucked by an athletic jap man about 1m85. The fuck was hard.
I left the Airbnb being devastated, I even forgot my visa electron and I stayed in the park near home all the afternoon.
The worse thing is that, the next day I decided to see the guy for an explanation and the guy laughed at me and he punched me with a sucker punch. My gf left me after that. I knew later that she met the jap guy in the club.
Honestly Japanese are snaky, I would never thought that
I was cucked by a Japanese man in Tokyo
Cool story bro. Where can i unsubscribe from your schizo shit?
Today, on things that never happened.
We are chads. Mariah Carey will marry a Jomon guy.
>marring an used up whore
Good story.
> when a cunteye visits EU
Oh no :(
French girls must be sluts!!! omw to france
You should have had the balls to beat him up while he was fucking her and at least she’d have some respect for you.
You got alpha'd and owned and also this is a made up story
A woman going to clubs without her boyfriend is a major red flag, my dude...
But I thought Japanese were betas even in clubs, that is why
My gf has a year abroad in Japan for uni next year, I'm certain nothing bad will happen, she said she'll invite me over to Japan once shes there for a few months
Its unlikely that Satoshi is gonna cuck me right?
Before I thought not but you have some jap who are alpha and handsome. Be careful
Look at this nigga.
post face/height/penor size Pierre
I'm certain a am superior to you but I must be certain
Dude you’re Brit and he’s French what else do you need to know?
>Dude you’re Brit
haha..yeah...maybe a bit but I'm half brit half other
Is this a true story? How could you let that guy just punch you like that?
Also. Why would you even take issue with guy. I mean, beat him up or whatever but in all likelihood, he didn’t even know.
His sucker punch was hard, I was in the ground during couple minutes and he left the place. After this event, I was too preoccupied by my gf who broke with me
>sucker punched you after you asked why he did it
He sounds based.
Got any pictures of the trip? Did you atleast have some fun?
this laconic answer makes this story even less believable
Imagine getting cucked by a japanese guy kek
It's okay, I got cucked by japanese man too. I confessed to a classmate that I had crush on and she said she can't because she is in an online relationship with a japanese guy on some stupid app. Japanese Bvlls are too powerful
>not raping her
You're a disgrace to your flag.
The japanese are betas but know that western women are gigasluts amd act consequently. The fact that you haven't mentioned that it was her fault mainly, for being a massive whore, shows that you're a beta too.
7/10 story
I mean, whatever. A sucker punch is a sucker punch but I still don’t know why you went out of your way to follow up on him. I mean, if you want them beat him up in the moment but after the fact you need to go to the gf if you want answers.
Will happen next week
I'm sorry.. I will do the needful sir
Some men will unavoidably see all girls an specially their girlfriends as pretty princesses. Even after watchig the she-dog being fucked he couldn't change this. It was his simp instinct to put the blame and focus on the guy, even if he had enough logical reason to know she was the one at fault (we don't know that last if tho, he may be also dumb). This behavior is what makes the story somewhat believable for me because I've seen it.
>The japanese are betas
We are chads
>french flag
sasuga pierre-kun, I expected no less of you
>he let his gf go to the club alone
And imagine being cucked by a fucking as*an
>letting gf go clubbing
Do they really?
I dont know why but it seem like you are jap proxy
I would believe this if it was a UK flag