/brit/ - real language edition
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fuck off scotsautist
no, not yet. but im not going to put spikes all over the balcony am i? that's just possible
Brother has been in the bog for 45 minutes and I want to have a shower
flak cannon?
anti-190 > 190 cock mongers
>By making precise tweaks to synthetic mRNA and injecting people with it, any cell in the body could be transformed into an on-demand drug factory.
>Whether mRNA vaccines succeed or not, their path from a gleam in a scientist’s eye to the brink of government approval has been a tale of personal perseverance, eureka moments in the lab, soaring expectations — and an unprecedented flow of cash into the biotech industry.
>The problem [...] was that synthetic RNA was notoriously vulnerable to the body’s natural defenses, meaning it would likely be destroyed before reaching its target cells. And, worse, the resulting biological havoc might stir up an immune response that could make the therapy a health risk for some patients.
you can also get some oil stuff you can put on there
casual reminder that making a new before 300 posts is Spamming/flooding
>any cell in the body could be transformed into an on-demand drug factory.
190's grimy little ears perking up at this line
Oor awin leid
just saw the dentist lads
the teeth are looking fine besides the wisdom teeth
I am the beach.
I am created by waves and currents.
I am made of eroded rocks.
I exist next to the sea.
I have been around for millions of years.
I was around at the dawn of life itself.
And I have to tell you something.
I don’t care about your body.
I am a beach.
I literally don’t give a fuck.
I am entirely indifferent to your body mass index.
I am not impressed that your abdominal muscles are visible to the naked eye.
I am oblivious.
You are one of 200,000 generations of human beings.
I have seen them all.
I will see all the generations that come after you, too.
It won’t be as many. I’m sorry.
I hear the whispers the sea tells me.
(The sea hates you. The Poisoners. That’s what it calls you. A bit melodramatic, I know. But that’s the sea for you. All drama.)
And I have to tell you something else.
Even the other people on the beach don’t care about your body.
They don’t.
They are staring at the sea, or they are obsessed with their own appearance.
And if they are thinking about you, why do you care?
Why do you humans worry so much about a stranger’s opinion?
Why don’t you do what I do? Let it wash all over you.
Allow yourself just to be as you are.
Just be.
Just beach.
where does he live?
kinda bored rn might go on a [redacted]
the grim truth /brit/ doesn't want you knowing
if ANY of you so much as THINK about sneezing near my dad between now and christmas you can FUCK OFF
We call pigeons "cushat" in scotland
I wonder what fat cunt wrote this.
its basically the stereotypical impoverished former industial northern shithole town
that's a lot of poo
might have some popcorn
think they did that in the span of a month or two. didn't have pigeons before. have to clean that shit and find a way to scare them off
Just had a look at house prices in London. Lmao wtf. How does anyone afford anything here?
watch the kraut sit here for hours and seethe
Love trains me
tiktok made me understand dad-daughter roleplay, makes me scared of myself, makes me scared of having a daughter
finna stop opening that site
Get an owl statue, they hate owls
move it every so often
ohhh mon dieu
ze pijeens, zey are sheeteeng all ozer mon beesiclet!
how are you living in London then?
The late lunch
>I literally don’t give a fuck.
so edgy
so does yer mum i bet haha
27 years old vorgin lad. Watch this
Dont be an idiot
but for everyone under 50 who doesn't live with their parents it's either that or a city (typ london)
not really
what do if girls which I like don't answer to me
yeah she does
you get over it and move on
got food poisoning last night
set in while i was shagging the gf
went to do a poo and almost passed out aha
need her to cut my bollocks off, put them in a juicer, and use my castrated bollock juice as ink for a tattoo of my dismembered gonads
would a uk female make a good gf
Feel like the german's bitterness against the uk is born of the fact he wants to fit in here but literally can't due to his lack of humour and his autism
ah yes all those young people, especially women, living in the expensive countryside entirely of meaningful jobs
49 years old and live with my parents
based trainlad
love that picture of the mexican bird with the smiley faces on her chebs
think about it sometimes
don't talk to the germanautist. he's spent a whole year saying the same things on /brit/. he's a legit virgin autist
If I had one life I would give it to EVROPA
If I had two life I would give it to EVROPA
If I had ten life I would give it to EVROPA
If I had one hundred life I would give it to EVROPA
If I had one thousand life I would give to EVROPA
If there was 1 million EVROPA supporters I would be one
If there was 1 thousand EVROPA supports I would be one
If there was 1 hundred EVROPA supporters I would be one
If there was ten EVROPA supporters I would be one
If there was one EVROPA supporter then it would be me
If there was no EVROPA supporters on earth then I am in Outer space
To my dying breath I support EVROPA.
I know but when it always it's hard
had a sympathy from one, younger than I but she was married so didn't try to work on it
also like a girl from WB at the moment but still have no answer on my superlike
i've literally said that it's because you're awful posters and have a general which is easily shitposted in, whereas everyone else is immune thanks to linguistic decoupling
not really
well guess im getting a fake owl with a rotative head then
not the answer i was looking for
also it's a fast general since it's not really british but multikulti (along with the fact it's a shitposting general so everyone inflates postrate with low quality fast posts rather than actual discussion like most generals have) so easy to get yous
Living with the parentals