Attached: Geographic-distribution-of-population-density-quintile-by-county.png (850x542, 232.48K)
What happens in Western America?
Isaac Clark
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Mason Reed
nothing. thats why they're so pissy. its like a colder middle east without the conflict (yet)
Brandon Hernandez
Nuke all the maroon counties
Luke Martinez
imagine a giant fucking desert
Xavier Kelly
you just kind of parrot what americans tell you too, huh?
Charles Bell
They should convert all those blue places into a nature reserve
Jaxson Cook
is this what people call flyover states?
anyways, do you think there will be trend of migration from cities to rural side with the rise in remote work?
David Sanchez
More like what happens in the blue areas
Blake Miller
Adam Long
Kayden Gomez
Spotted the cringe urban dweller
Matthew Powell
yes the land is cheap and taxes are low. but it will take a long time. they're not very developed and theres really nothing to do there. which i suppose is part of the appeal.
Ryder Morgan
You don't need to know.
Gabriel Cooper
you will never be an american woman.
a lot of it is protected land actually.
Jayden Baker
Northern Rockies are my favorite part of the US.
Isaiah Nelson
Nothing happens. At all.
Adrian Thomas
Hey thats kind of cool. Do you get wolves round there?
Easton Fisher
I think this map is a little inaccurate. I know for certain my area is less dense than is indicated here.
Already is.
Jacob Collins
Is this where the nukes are hidden?
Jordan Powell
If Southern California confuses you, just watch Chinatown (or Rango lmao).
Matthew Ross
Yeah, those are flyovers.
>do you think there will be trend of migration from cities to rural side with the rise in remote work?
People have been predicting that since the 90s, but the trend has been people moving into the biggest metro areas because most of the US economy is in the cities now.
Tech companies, the financial industry, and real estate are the segments of the economy that have been growing the most and they're all in places like NYC, San Francisco, and Northern Virginia where it's super dense.
The big trend is cheaper cities like Phoenix, Dallas, and Atlanta growing rapidly because people want to live in a city but they can't afford to live in the really expensive ones. This is also why Biden won in 2020, because most of the people who live in cities vote for Democrats and cities have been growing in traditionally red states.
Adam Price
>Do you get wolves round there?
Yes, we get wolves here and there are efforts to reintroduce them all over.
Sebastian Cruz
You'll never be spared the nuke
Jayden Harris
this. they're being reintroduced to the adirondacks as well.
Carson Kelly
Looks cozy
Christopher Harris
Nice. I would want wolves in this country but farmerfags complain about muh sheep so its not going to happen anytime soon
John Garcia
You might find the Black Hills area and the Lower Rockies, specifically Northern Arizona and New Mexico interesting as well.
Levi Lopez
see here its fine because theres so much land you'd never really see them. also they'd compete with the coyotes/coy-dogs which would probably bring the threat of livestock damage down.
Charles Lee
They’re right. The wolves are a problem and ecofags are the ones who don’t seem to get it. Not only do they destroy livestock, but they are a danger to human populations and rapidly change ecosystems. What they should do is make efforts to shore up numbers of prey animals if they want. For example, they reintroduced a sizable Elk herd in Pennsylvania. The wolves will move naturally with the prey and be naturally kept in check. In Canada, it’s even worse. Vancouver-based ecofags basically tell British Columbiafags that they can’t hunt bears and as a result the grizzly population explodes and they turn into a problem. I’m not a proponent of these efforts to reintroduce wolves. I like wolves. I like to see wolves. I don’t think they’re doing it right.
Samuel Robinson
The nukes are in the mountains of Wyoming and the Dakotas iirc
John Long
cool. Yeah USA looks huge and could definitely hold 1-1.5 Billion people lol
William Bennett
Brandon Martin
as long as they allow wolf hunting it will be fine. the problem is we don't have enough hunters anymore to cull the prey animals.
Jaxson Adams
Do you live in the Northern Rockies? The only way I could see this being the case is if you live here, where wolves are and have been a part of the ecosystem in Colorado and as far as Pennsylvania they are making efforts to shore up wolf populations and they most certainly are a concern.
Carter Myers
Yes, but for the love of God please don’t ever let us reach 1.5 billion people. We need you to kill us before it gets to that point. Promise us, India.
Logan Sanders
Doubtful. I’d guess coastal people would just move to less dense coastal states like Maine before they think about going I Wyoming.
Daniel Cooper
Well, no because they allow wolf hunting now in places they are natural and they’re still an issue. They’re not a sort of game that can be easily kept in check by natural hunting. More concerning is that’s less and less an effective tool. Do you think Denverites are proponents of Coloradans hunting the cute little wolferinos? No, they are not. They will ban it. Just like happened in Alaska, BC, etc.
Grayson Allen
i live in the south now but grew up in NY. i guess i didn't put that much thought into it. i know in many places coyotes are getting to be a problem and figured predators would help.
Justin Martinez
i fucking hate talking to other americans these days. so condescending and douchey. what the fuck happened to you?
Cameron Morales
I prefer wolves to livestock on any day of the week, and they are naturally part of the ecosystem to keep prey numbers in check. Just plant fields of vegetables instead of livestock, way more efficient and doesn't create green deserts. Anyway the entire point of hiking is seeing nature I don't care if some people die to wolf attacks, ultimately would prefer to live in a natural ecosystem where I can experience life and nature to its fullest. The farmers who own vast amounts of land are ultimately soulless people chasing a profit who degrade the soil and stop natural migrations with huge stretches of fencing.
Christian Miller
I mean, yeah it does help but these are basically artificial reintroduction efforts. The ecofags think they can just artificially shore up wolves anywhere and everywhere and they won’t ever be a problem. Maybe they’re right but they’re not certainly right. It needs to be approached with care, if it’s to be approached at all. You can’t just have ecofag wolf fetishists running wild.
Jose Murphy
Tf are you talking about, you insecure moron? I’m a hunter and I’m just sharing what I know with someone who’s clearly interested the topic.
Kevin Davis
yeah, you don't even realize how you sound. its grating.
Carson Perez
this is what happens on the west coast. angry, bitter people.
Luke Diaz
God if I could only talk to le epic Finns all day...stupid Americans....truly suffering
Nolan Scott
Lmao. You’re the only one who’s grating. Go find another thread to shit up.
Brayden Ross
But wolves were there just a couple centuries ago, what are you talking about? The environment is just going to keep on degrading without them, they are a major factor in the ecosystem. There was a video on yellowstone explaining the trickle down effect such a key beast has