What is your favorite food that originated in foreign countries?

what is your favorite food that originated in foreign countries?

for me its cordon bleu

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Don't know, there are so many southern italian foods.

the obvious : pizza

pizza probably


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literally all our food originated abroad
>ričet - Richert
>filane paprike - dolma
>mineštra - minestrone
>žganci - a sort of polenta
>štrudelj - Strudl
>čevapčiči - ćevapi/cig koefte
>štruklji - first recorded in Graz
>šmorn - Kaiserschmarrn
>krofi - Krapfen
>palačinke - palacsinta
>golaž - gulyas/poerkoelt
>pašta fižol - pasta con fagioli
>segedin - Szeged gulyas
>goveja juha - derived from Tafelspitz
>klobasa s kislim zeljem - Wurst mit Sauerkraut

I like syrian/lebanese cuisine in general, those sand peoples make some good stuff. when I watched that fake thai dude wiens in israel it made me want to go there

pulled pork is so good


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Where would we be without the potato? Thank you south america

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French fries

>pašta fižol

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Burritos are america

French people really are a different breed, absolutely vile.

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Keep eating your cheeky beans you ole bong chap

Ah sacre bleu keep shoving slugs and snails up toi bouthoule mon amie!

based but store-bought shit is disgusting

The peak of culinary science.

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For me, it's the Zürcher Geschnetzeltes

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>not liking organ meat
babymouth LMAO

I thought that too until I looked into it.

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Ají de gallina (Perú)


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he's scotch

thanks aussies

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According to a movie the French boiled it and the English popularized frying it. If true than the UK's food debt is paid.