what is your favorite food that originated in foreign countries?
for me its cordon bleu
what is your favorite food that originated in foreign countries?
for me its cordon bleu
Don't know, there are so many southern italian foods.
the obvious : pizza
pizza probably
literally all our food originated abroad
>ričet - Richert
>filane paprike - dolma
>mineštra - minestrone
>žganci - a sort of polenta
>štrudelj - Strudl
>čevapčiči - ćevapi/cig koefte
>štruklji - first recorded in Graz
>šmorn - Kaiserschmarrn
>krofi - Krapfen
>palačinke - palacsinta
>golaž - gulyas/poerkoelt
>pašta fižol - pasta con fagioli
>segedin - Szeged gulyas
>goveja juha - derived from Tafelspitz
>klobasa s kislim zeljem - Wurst mit Sauerkraut
I like syrian/lebanese cuisine in general, those sand peoples make some good stuff. when I watched that fake thai dude wiens in israel it made me want to go there
pulled pork is so good
Where would we be without the potato? Thank you south america
French fries
>pašta fižol
Burritos are america
French people really are a different breed, absolutely vile.
Keep eating your cheeky beans you ole bong chap
Ah sacre bleu keep shoving slugs and snails up toi bouthoule mon amie!
based but store-bought shit is disgusting
The peak of culinary science.
For me, it's the Zürcher Geschnetzeltes
>not liking organ meat
babymouth LMAO
I thought that too until I looked into it.
Ají de gallina (Perú)
he's scotch
thanks aussies
According to a movie the French boiled it and the English popularized frying it. If true than the UK's food debt is paid.