I was born as a Mutt but I am a Germany enthusiast

I was born as a Mutt but I am a Germany enthusiast.
I listen to German music, I learned a few German words, I buy German lard, I eat German food. I am a Lutheran Protestant now.

I would give my life for Greater Germany.

Attached: Germania.jpg (1772x2690, 3.73M)


Get some pussy

You're probably just affection-deprived

you should have sex

You could also just say that you're a Germaboo

please have sex before you do something drastic mate

simple as

BASED, me too

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Was immer du sagst Mutt.

Ja, ich sage

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Mein Bruder

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Same, but I'm a russiaboo. And I even have a gf, believe it or not. I even showed her russian folk music once lmao.

Okay it was based up until this part
>I am a Lutheran Protestant now.

I hope you’re at least. Germanomutt though. We Germanomutts need to stick together.

What does it mean if I can’t decide I’m a Germaniboo, Russoboo, or a Weaboo?

It means you're based

Learn Texas German or another Germanic American language so that they don’t die.

That’s a weird way to spell autistic. It must be the German spelling. See? This is why you Germans are so cool.

My last name is Esens
Wir sind Familie, Deutscher Bruder

Attached: Landschneckt.jpg (1180x1634, 644.62K)

>I was born as a Mutt but I am a Germany enthusiast.
why are we like this

>Greater Germany
What's your "Greater Germany"

I’m a mutt but I love Italy and want to move there. I have some family there but it’s been two generations and I’ve never met them.

i welcome you

how big is your chin?


Modern day German borders are fine. They just need to get rid of anything built post WW1 and rebuild in 19th century style. Also kick out all non-Germans and send them to Austria

Attached: ErfurtOilPainting.jpg (2661x2188, 2.84M)

>Modern day German borders are fine
Ok so your chin is probably average then
>Kick out all non-Germans
>Send them to Austria
Back to average chin


Attached: MunichOilPainting.jpg (600x425, 32.92K)

>I was born as a Mutt but I am a Germany enthusiast.
>I listen to German music, I learned a few German words, I buy German lard, I eat German food. I am a Lutheran Protestant now.
>I would give my life for Greater Germany.

Attached: e64.png (960x638, 972.46K)

you ever been to germany?

The fact that the german dudes name is Nowitzki makes it even funnier

>that filename
Please dont.


Are you going to live and work in those unventilated, dark tenement buildings where you're sharing a toilet?