What do Scandinavians think of how the Japanese see their history?
What do Scandinavians think of how the Japanese see their history?
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That is historical fiction
I liked it
Even though we were depicted as a bunch of barbarians
Only Middle Eastern immigrants look like this in Scandinavia
Why did some user tell me before watching it most of it took place in norway?
is norway even in it?
Nothing in Cuckland Saga is accurate. The author is a soyboy who hates European history and culture.
Askeladd was right
Medieval Scandinavians wuz trannies n shiet
was there a guy in the show named askeladd? fucking kek!
yes but only in the manga
They usually do a good job basing stuff on western culture
Yeah he was a slave kid who shoveled shit and soot but became a main character
Ashen Ladd cause he worked as a blacksmith as child
I think everyone who enjoys japanese cartoons should shot.
Japs aren't exactly known for their high T
he's feminist or something, lol?
cuz he's secretly Welsh
also why does an anime that takes place in Europe have characters looking exactly like an anime that takes place in japan
Anime/manga is not popular in Denmark. Most Danes do not think of Japan at all, if they do, it’s related to Playstation or other electronics.
you don't drive toyotas or hondas in denmark?
Yeah, he looks out of place...
Germans have forced the Danes to buy their cars only. Come free us America
I feel like it's a botched translation. The Japanese language never seems to be too direct about things so I feel like when he says "men are so stupid" it was more along the lines of him finding violence and death for the sake of superficial things as futile and thus he feels men are foolish for giving up their lives so easily for no reason. Or maybe I'm just reaching.
Nah i read the rest the sw*de posted and realized the dude is an actual cuck. Deleted my comment due to shame
>not dying for your honor or defend a cause greater than yourself
what happens to the japs honor system what went so bad?
btw this guy look like had writed ntr stuff
That's strange. No, in fact the creator went out of his way to leave Norway out of the story as much as possible. There were mentions in some dialogue and that's it. Like, you wouldn't know the opening battle in the show is in Norway, or why it was even fought. King Olaf the Holy is strangely absent from the London battle (and from the story at all), etc. I'm guessing the creator didn't want to make the story more complicated.
Honor or "greater than you" causes can be damned, but at least have enough grip to want to fight for yourself ffs