Did Germans deserve it?

did Germans deserve it?

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Nobody deserves anything


I blame Austrian multiculturalism personally. Instead of trying to claim a half of south eastern Europe, how about you ethnically sort yourself out by cleansing the lesser/defeated populations first, have some sex, make more of your own mono cultural people, and live in harmony instead?

To me, this is just a peak into globohomo world we live in. Multiculturalism creates infinite powder kegs. Just take a small fucking region, and populate it with mono cultural people. That's it.
Multiculturalism starts wars.

this webm is the equivalent of someone acting tough after getting his older brother to beat you up

In that specific context, yes. It was a funeral and that was disrespectful.
In the broader context, no in the sense that Germany was treated too mildly. It should have been completely occupied by the Entente.

France did most of the fighting though?

What's this?Why are they being beaten?

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didn't remove their hat at a funeral

was this ww1? if so, my mistake

Germans are basically highly disciplined Chechens. Very aggressive, authoritarian and tribalistic. They understand only the language of violence and perceive kindness as weakness. If you don't keep them down, they think you're weak and deserve to be punished and conquered.

but Germans were kept down and disarmed after WW1 and this was the precise reason why Hitler came to power in 1933

Russian government should have plans in place to sterilize kavkaz region over time and populate it with ethnic orthodox Russians exclusively.

nah, the treaty of versailles wasn't even enforced
even the reparations were paid for by the dawes and young plans

They were not occupied and dismembered and when Hitler started to violate the treaty of Versailles, metrosexual Western cuckolds did nothing to stop him.

haha look at this white boi

It plans the opposite, Moscow to be majority kavkaz and central asian by 2030

back at KC everyone called germans
'white arabs'

honestly i don't know why Germans are blamed for the World War 1, it's not like it was their sole ambition that started it. All the european empires that participated in it were equally to be blamed for all the bloodshed and destruction.
World War II is definitely German fault

>why Germans are blamed for the World War 1

Because they explicitly confirmed it in the Treaty of Versailles, there's nothing to discuss.

This, not to mention the Treaty of Versailles was actually too light.

Seems kinda retarded that all the frogs wear hats but are mad that others do it too.

But well, hope they lived long enough to witness how you treat an occupied cunt right.

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They deserved worse than two slaps for sure.

mohammes was a pedophile

WW1 was started by Germans. I was trolling in my previous post, I don't have anything against Germans, but arguing anything else is ahistorical bullshit.
Read about the moves of their leadership and general atmosphere in July 1914. They were itching for the war, main reasons being Russian and French rearmament. They were glad Franz Ferdinand was shot, as well as most of Austrian leadership.
Sure, other sides weren't pacifist and innocent either, but war happened because German leadership wanted it.

I hope she got her head shaved after the war

>Treaty of Versailles was actually too light
It was neither light nor harsh, which is exactly why it failed so hard.


>WW1 was started by Germans.
It was not.
If I tell you to jump from a bridge and that I will surely follow you, it is still your very own fault when you jump.

i hope some black american gis found her

what if I don't wanna get genocided