I wish I were French, I'd even settle for Walloon

I wish I were French, I'd even settle for Walloon.

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western civilisation was created by a frenchman

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I like chees
I can't even import raw milk soft and semi hard chees here

I'm Cajun. My people are dwindling. The *nglos have destroyed our culture, history, and use of the French language. I wish France would take Louisiana back.

Wallon are not french. However, you can be a creusois.

That's a walloon

Walloons are not french, they are white

>A*glo education

but why

That's not Diotima

I'm part Walloon.
You're not missing out on anything.

What do full-blooded Walloonians look like, anyway?

Best I can do is québécois.

Like gigachads

what do you think they look like?

Like retards just like all French speaking people

Isn't wallonia known as a post industrial hellhole

A little bit like me.
I have green eyes and light brown hair and a light complexion.

Retarded French

quebecers>anglo-canadians or whatever you're called

Du är inte vallon du är zigenare jävla smuts åk hem

Cope frog I will make you bow just like all frogs before the Anglo

Jag har släktforskat och har Vallonska förfäder några hundra år tillbaka.

I have never came accross someone and thought to myself: woah that guy looks stereotypically Walloon. So no I wouldnt know what they look like. Some have dark hair, some blonde, blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, ...

This twink is the most well known ethnic alive walloon I think

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The flemish own the tourism industry in wallonia, and they systematically advertise the region as a post-industrial hell hole at international level... I wonder why... then they buy everything for a penny on the dollar. Flemish tourists are plentiful, yet the only tourists in Wallonia while Flanders get the international tourists.

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He actually looks quite similar to me.

Well charelois is well known the rest of wallonia isn't

Yes in other words: Walloons, do not exist. Walen bestaat niet.
It's just the word used by the Flemish for the "other" whether their French-speaking overlords (many were Flemish), to the Italian mine workers, to the French in the 14th century etc...
It became a made-up identity in the 19th century.

What do flemish bois look like?

well there is a more marked look, kinda, like the horse face.