He conquered the world by the time he was 30

He conquered the world by the time he was 30.

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His armies did it.

Actually it was his dads army but he led them.

>Mentioned in Forbes 30 under 30

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he received a kingdom with a professional army and generals too

Who? Todd Howard?

So? If I tried to conquer the world I'd be in the hague. Times change faggot.


Thats obv wayne gretzky

Only if you fail.

Alekanderov Filipovski.... I kneel

He was gay though

His father died before he began his campaigns.

Moron, that's clearly Alejandro el Grandecito, famous Spanish conqueror.

Idiot, it’s Alex Grand, son of Phil. Of Torrance, California.

Alexander's overhyped.
>Phillip conquers Greece
>mama's-boy son usurps
>lets his mother rule Greece
>runs across the world to degenerate with Indian practices like kneeling

Make ICJ kneel before you.

>all this cope
stfu and kneel to the emperor
i kneel

Wayne Gretzky?

He killed millions..

to save billions (unironically)

>Alexander's overhyped.
Brainlet opinion.

so he conquered
is this supposed to impress anyone?

By the time I'm 30 I'll probably be living with my parents working in retail

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It impressed everyone in the ancient world.

what he did was completely unprecedented and has yet to be rivaled. his 'empire' never had institutions to hold it together, but he lived his life and died thinking he was a demi god. throughout his life this belief was only reinforced by his successes.

>his 'empire' never had institutions to hold it together
It's pretty irrelevant, he changed the course of history and laid the foundations of the Hellenic period.
And even in more base terms, taking a fucking army from Greece to India was an incredible feat even if he fought pygmies along the way, let alone the superpower of that age.
At the time he struck, Persia was in no way some dilapidated empire unable to defend itself.

It's same with how bad perspective and gaps in historical and other knowledge leads some people to claim Caesar was overrated.

By the way, estimates say there were some 3-4 million people in Greek peninsula at that period. Persian Empire probably had 10 times that.

One day some idiot will say Genghis Khan or Napoleon were not that good too.

While there, he is said to have encountered a statue of Alexander the Great, and realised with dissatisfaction that he was now at an age when Alexander had the world at his feet, while he had achieved comparatively little.

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>conquers the world
>forgets india
>forgets china
>forgets italy
>empire falls apart as soon as he dies

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