Why are they so short compared to other europeans?

Why are they so short compared to other europeans?

Attached: Spain-flag-map-plus-ultra.png (1615x1195, 313.17K)

Mexican admixture.

Moorish bvll genes

Mexican genes

BVLL admixture

Big balls drag us down

>Why are they so short compared to other europeans?
cause we have the largest south american population in europe

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Because we are invaded by 1,65m panchitos.


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They never get up from siesta so they measure their height laying down

It makes sense that they'd think about you, you are their father

the tall ones get jumped on

Attached: baby-jumping-devil-el-colacho-spain.jpg (3000x2081, 2.16M)

lmao what the fuck is this shit

actually.. no one cares about spain, its a alien country for my latin frens
No one here relates to spain, no one mentions this country, theres no news from there either, all this irl, we complete forgotten this country

to make the tourists feel more confident thus making them spend more money.. its basic marketing.

We have some nigger customs

>tfw i am 2m tall and most of my friends are above 1.85 at least
Northern Spain must be different, i have not seen many tall andalusians

>2m tall
Eres un tipo grande

Tfw. Puerto Rico was one of the last Spanish Provinces and PR fought to stay with Spain.

Mexicans are also short so Im guessing theres a genetic component or maybe a cultural one

but we are average, post data

Yes, and then Spain just left. That's why brownjak is thinking about his father who abandoned him.

How north? I live in Alcalá and 98% of people are shorter than me, and I'm just 1.90

I like his shoes

>latin friends
kill yourself cancer

She looks like she's considering him as a potential partner over his baby jumping skills.

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Northern spaniards, specially basque are average/tall

Most of them are >1.83m

> nooo, you can't bant about my spainerinoooo, it hurts my feeelineros

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>the old "well, I'm my region everyone is 185+cm!",
What's next, say that there's a big difference between millennials and zoomers height?