The pepsi to Italy's Coca Cola

The pepsi to Italy's Coca Cola.

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the terrible post to literally any other post

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pepsi unironically tastes better

Pepsi Max

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you will not divide us

Both taste good.

based radical centrist


pepsi twist is based

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Sometimes I like to mix pepsi with coca cola.
I wouldn't mind doing that with an Italian qt, if you catch my drift

Is no one going to say anything about the flags?

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Oh FINE; if the Nigerian flag falls over you get the flag of the city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Which is why you should not get fall-over drunk in Rotterdam.

Sorry, I don't quite get it, could you explain further?

Based truth spaniard.

we are similar, not a copy

Aka copy

everybody is a copy of someone else and at the same time have some creativity. When you form part of the same Empire, cutlure, language, etc you develope a koiné of culture. Italy is a descentdant of a koiné as well as is Spain. Not the whole Italy was Rome when it started, and Rome wasn't Italian.
>inb4 [meme funny answer]
ok kid, but don't talk like you knew everything

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more like Lidl cola lol

basadisimo madre mia

what happened to the heart of the Roman Empire, you were a bunch of tribes untill the 19th century? your only defense is muh cutlure, too courtly and unnatural in my opinion

Yep, but dr pepper is better than both.

watch your mouth now Luigi, noone talkes shit abt my Lidl Cola

hipster beverage that tastes like concentrated sugar and plastic

Heebs wouldn't get it.

Ostia que basado

Yeah I guess it really goes well with rotten fish in a can

America's rapebaby

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We are not that similar despite the memes, the similarities are mostly superficial.

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really, you're just snowflaking

Spain is much cooler than Italy.

We are the piss in a sodastream to their pepsi and coke

It does, actually.
I've tried.

of course an angloid is trying to divide us medbros, I'm not surprised really