Are they balkans?

Are they balkans?

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i think ~60% of their country are bosnian air conditioner repairmen


No. They are white Central Europeans.

balkans pic related

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yeah, any other answer is cope

they are mittel europa

no, they are central european

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>south croatia
>not balkan
speak for yourself, faggot.

nice digits, dalmatianigger

their men are attractive so no

What the fuck do Dalmatia and Krajina have to do with Central Europe?

I've been there, they are culturally Central Euro but geographically bridge between The Balkans to Central Euro

Yes and once Izi Budja stops fucking around with Handballs and gets into politics he will establish Neoguslavia.

People like to go "lol they deny that they are Balkan lololol" or post Zizek memes but they genuinely have nothing to do with actual Balkans.
Slovenia is more similar to Czechia than to Bulgaria.

Habsburg = Central Europe

Dalmatia was ruled by Habsburgs for like a 100 years.


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Whatever they are, they surely aren't Eastern. Not only are they not Orthodox, they're barely even religious. It's basically Finland but with a Communist past.
You could argue that Russians in Estonia are indeed Eastern.

>It's basically Finland but with a Communist past.
I like it, Finland being Central European is even funnier


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"North European" is better? (not Nordic)

If Finland was under USSR rule like you wished it would be considered Eastern Europe now.

every European country that had a communist government till 1991 is to be considered Eastern and no amount of cope can remove that

So Germany?

East Germany is still considered Eastern Europe here

Communist is a Western invention.


Yes, Merkel confirmed it.

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It's the only divison that truly makes sense desu
Had there been no communism then yeah, we might talk about something more but like this, nah

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Ugh, the savage untamed Eastern lands of Brandenburg and Saxony.