Finland is building a city made out of wood

Finland is building a city made out of wood

This is how we will save planets and such

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doesn't wood destroy forests?
sounds pretty bad for the planet

Most non retarded countries have laws that say commercial wood harvesting can only be done if you plant more trees than you cut down. Especially if the whole point is environmentalism.


>if we cut down all these trees the government will make us replant some!
why not just plant some more trees?

No because the trees are replaced. Cities like these lock away carbon

>algerian education

>doesn't wood destroy forests?
no, big trees eventually die and rot
if you get them before they rot, you allow for new trees to grow
if they fall and rot, nothing can grow in that big area

Lol, 3 little piggies

You can just replant trees. And using wood for building is better for the health of Earth than concrete and steel.

Only problem with tree farms is that since they are harvested all the time, there is no rotten logs for bugs and birds, very little vegetation on the forest floor and a very bad mix of tree types. All that makes them quite unfit for wildlife and biodiversity

Sneedland lol

so all that bitching about wooden american houses was just jealousy

yeah, imagine doing that for the whole world's population

it's good for some "we love nature" propaganda and for the Greta cult, but far from being practical in large scale


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>This is how we will save planets and such
Wood is the best material to fight global warming.

The tree kidnap carbon at a variable rate. More when the tree is younger (when it grow faster) and less when it gets older.
By cutting old trees that already kidnap their share of carbon, and plant new ones, you are using that carbon inside your house and not in the atmosphere.

Also, concrete is responsible by 20% of all CO2 emissions in the world, because to turn quick stone in quicklime, you need to burn the stone for days.

Too bad that all leftists are fucking dumb and prefer to just make everything out of concrete while they shill a tree in decay (decay produces more carbon than what the plant can kidnap)

Someone's never played rimworld s mh

O macaco teme a águia harpia

Finland mentioned!
I am from Finland (Suomi)

I like Finnish wood and woodland

Isn't there a global greening going on right now? What is the point? Also, welcome to the club. We are now cardboard house brothers

It just so happens I like British "wood" too

would you like to see my wood

Nordics always built their houses out of wood, it's the rest of the Europeans you're thinking of.

We are not the same. There is a difference between glued up literal trash and real, hard, sturdy wood

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In America 90% of houses are already made of wood

but no word telling how this can be done

try again, dumbfuck

user-on wha- are-you talking about-t.... ;P

> we save planet by stealing Russian lumber

I'll give you some hard and sturdy wood right up your asshole. Because you are gay and I am not

Fuck, google translate. Anyway stop hating on wood


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Is it long, hard and durable? :3

How big are we talking?

12 feet long and 4 inches in diameter, bitch

If the idea of being forced to get a hold of a few saplings (as a commercial logger of all professions) is enough to make you reconsider it as a business then you're never going to make it.
Better yet, why would people that don't buy wood regularly have to have some of their taxes be redirected to planting trees that a company cut down? You're also required by law to provide safety equipment to your workers in all other sectors, so as far as regulations go, planting one (1) sapling for every tree you cut down is fucking nothing.
Read on the tragedy of the commons and how just letting a few people relentlessly exploit something that could be considered a public good for short term gains fucks everything up in the long term.

Rotting trees play an important role in the ecosystem. But harvesting trees and planting new ones does allow for more carbon to be locked away.

Woodlet countries no participation when chad wood countries are talking, thank you :|

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I'm not interested anymore.

kektanics on suicide watch

Thank you Finland for saving our planet

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