What stops them from becoming first world?

What stops them from becoming first world?

Attached: political-map-of-Argentina.gif (1412x2463, 394.64K)

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cool catchworld for all thirdies to repeat but it's never specified what corruption exactly is

Also incompetence.

It's when people abuse positions of power for personal gain.

public waste of money


argentina is already first world but larp as third


>be poland
>imagine thinking you're a firstie just because of your neighbours

Corruption is when third worlders do things so unbelievably stupid that is less humiliating to pretend that it was done on purpose with malicious intents.

Italian descent

Attached: slowly for the Polish to understand.png (653x166, 13.9K)

>be brazilian
>be so fucking defensive about your shithole that you imagine people saying things they didn't actually say, and react negatively to them on an cambodian imageboard

spanish siesta "tradition"

the nigger, jew and injun blood in our veins, also peronism and corruption

>be polish
>be so fucking defensive about your shithole that you imagine people saying things they didn't actually say, and react negatively to them on an cambodian imageboard

Being Argentinian.

AKA being descended from dirt farmers from Northern Italy, Southern France, Galicia and Poland, mediocrity and ruining great things is in their blood.

Obviously it's not the only problem but don't expect a lot of meaningful reforms when corruption is the rule.

Attached: 1608224420248.png (676x172, 15.62K)


that vid lost the forest for the trees while ironically glassing over a ton of other things
there was a big scandal around the Roca-Runciman treaty but it's a fucking leap to claim that that was the turning point like the video suggests

uh, you preferred iberians?


corruption, populist governments, more than half of their population lives in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area

Of course :)

Attached: Biblioteca_del_Senado_de_la_Provincia_-_52_-_Por_una_raza_fuerte,_laboriosa,_pacifista_y_soberana.jpg (800x1200, 194.49K)

I can't really point it out but democracy surely didn't help. No first world country is where it is today due democracy. That shit is wack yo
Pure poison. At least authoritarian governments just give you clear choices
>abide or revolt
The USA for instance, everything they could do to avoid mob rule they did: land owner votes, no females voting, no blacks voting. no wonder they still have electoral colleges because when that's removed you can bet your ass they're gonna go down quickly way faster

im still waiting it, but people has become weak
Its like only unions could amass peoples in the streets and do a change, but they are puppet state for this government

Literally 5 military dictatorships were in power during the decline of Argentina. None of them stopped it or slowed it down.

You just need to restrict universal suffrage. Only the highly educated should be allowed to vote desu

there's no prosper countries to uplift us bro, at least meds can appeal to germany when they're in dire need, but we are on our own