Would your parents let you date a brown person?
Would your parents let you date a brown person?
>asking your parents for permission to date someone
are you 12?
literally married one so yes, he loves black people idk why though
yes but she'd be disappointed despite being brown herself. If the woman was indian she would not approve whatsoever. She would prefer it if I married a white European woman from France or Sweden
yes and i have
No, and my parents are brown.
My aunt unironically loves brown cock. I never realised it until recently but her and my mum joke about it pretty frequently.
I'm a self made man, they're the ones who need MY approval otherwise I don't send them money lmao
Why would you? unless you're brown yourself. In theory you have the right to date whoever you like but others (your parents) have the right to reject those people.
Only if they looked white. Straight nose and good hair.
Sounds like a nice family...of cucks.
i don’t give a fuck i’ll date who i want
which is exclusively non anglo women
I don't think so. My mum had a bunch of kids with a SLAVIC BVLL.
She's cute.
Sadly, they would probably be happier if I dated a brown person than if I dated a white person.
Because they can virtue signal by proxy.
My mum actually said she wants a mixed race child
I'm not sure they expect me to date anything else.
>Asking your parents
>"Mommy, can I pwease get a brown gf?"
Yes, if will be backed by love or at the very least greed. As the americans do it, using niggers as the virtue signaling platform - never.
Would you like to date a brown person?
>What is that bougnoule doing here?
Is your mom hot? I might be able to give you a mixed race brother.
>t. atomised and uprooted "individual"
your mother is a stupid women
No, they would be disappointed if i didn't bring home a white girl
(Btw i'm black)
Go back and take your family with you
In Sweden the state considers everyone as having the age of 12.
Come to Germany
they would be so happy if i brought home just about any woman
>inb4 tf,tp
That's why I'm pointing it out. We're an expert about these things.
Ew no
You're both right, i should move to Germany to not disappoint my family
What's wrong with Bongs?
Never been particularly attracted to one.
I already am