
Are you guys ok

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The ship is sinking pretty fast lads

rule britannia

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anybody that ever needed assistance from the government should be neutered as a trade off



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Brexit means brexit.

brexit means rationing
simple as

It's a fucking shithow.

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How will UNICEF feed british children when its lorries get stuck in Kent?

>white junkies and poo-coloured people incapable of feeding their kids

Not my problem. Don't care. Not even English as far as I'm concerned. Fuck off.

don't care still voting tory

They're about to be a lot worse on Jan 1

All they have to do is get their stuff from Japan and america instead of Europe. That's a lot more efficient anyways.

>white junkies and poo-coloured people incapable of feeding their kids
>Not my problem. Don't care. Not even English as far as I'm concerned. Fuck off.

Attached: tarq speaks.png (1536x1536, 2.65M)

british architecture and landscape are always the most fucking depressing, not even the commeblocks of eastern europe are that depressing

Isn't that the kid who died after a single punch?

It's nothing to do with brexit but the logic and decay of British capitalism. As the oldest capitalist country it needs socialism more than any other.

Not an argument. Kys.

You can't live by imports alone. You have to export *something* to pay it off.

he said "you will work for me one day" to pic related who bonked him upside the head

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RIP that kid

*gasp* a western org that helps western people instead of niggers? what has the world come to

Lol damage control
You aren't white btw.

What's the deal with that pic? Is 99p for that expensive or smth.

>tfw live in Dover

fuck the rest of them cunts, at least I'll eat.

These things are connected.

I remember reading something about how the guy he said it to was a privileged twat as well.

>british architecture
If you're talking about post war council estates, fine.
>and landscape
Kys my man. This island is fucking beautiful.

>This island is fucking beautiful.

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>UNICEF donated the absolutely insignificant amount of £25,000 to one charity giving out meals on one area of London
>Obviously a political stunt

you guys never question anything you just take the OP and run with it

That food looks too good, but a little bland, to be food given out by UNICEF.
I wonder what kind of food is given to african countries by UNICEF? Mud cookies? lol

hey it was reported by YOUR outlets

Ah yes it's a conspiracy to make you look bad. Lol you leftoids are delusional.

Why do they hate trees and plants so much?

That's because they love the "muh starving children" story, been going on it for months now

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"it" being what, exactly? This is why you're dumb.

I'm from the Tarq part of England but I find those terraced houses rather charming in their own way.
It's soulless places like the garden cities I can't stand.
