Soon it will be one iraq war per day

soon it will be one iraq war per day

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Other urls found in this thread:Ättestupa



I wish we had listened to the experts and not Trump

Who cares it's mostly old niggas who would die anyway. Is it just me or don't people make a difference if an old people dying from viral infection and young and healthy people dying in wars or terrorist attacks?

Yeah, the obese one actually is innocent.

Really fucking hope people don't take the vaccine, or the vaccine goes slow, or the vaccine outright doesn't work.

Why are Northern Europeans so heartless and uncaring of the elderly?Ättestupa

Yeah the Iraq war is very famous to how deadly it was for Americans.

Italy has more death per capita than we do.

I hope old people who can no longer reproduce and are at risk of dying take it and everyone else doesn't or at least takes the non-RNA one

Italy is way more dense and polluted than America so it's to be expected

people aged 60-70 are still working you moron. yet they have a very high covid mortality rate. if it wasn't for covid most of them woul'd work until retirement. do you really think killing off the entire workforce that's aged 60-70 won't have any effect?

Not really if you WEAR A MASK.

Honestly it's not really a tragedy if sick people are dying. That's only natural. Medical science has just made us alienated from nature
Don't forget to take the flu shot every winter from now on so you don't accidentally infect your nonna.
Are you seriously valuing old and sick people over young and healthy? You realize medical professionals have to make these kinds of decision even during normal times? Medical resources are limited and we're just focusing on covid. Surgeries and treatments are getting postponed. When looking at covid it should be viewd as how many potential years we can save istead of lifes
People who could be normally saved in surgery or treatments are dying so we can save some old boomer from a covid. Why are you so hearthless and uncaring about these people?

Why are you shitting on the USA when your country has been even more retarded when handling this virus?

I think 60-70 year olds soak up way more money in medicare and social security than they contribute in taxes. Not saying grandmas dont matter but if anything it should boost the economy pretty well.

It's a critical point right now. The US Midwest cases are dropping right now, while some states like California and towards the East rise again.

It's kind of jaded and a bit Orwellian to suggest after a lifetime of labor, the moment you're no longer productive, your life has diminished or possibly even no value anymore and can be discarded at will


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It is even less of a tragedy when soldiers invade another country for no reason and end up dying.


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This purge is actually a great thing long term, you would not believe how large the overblown population of elderly and infirm in this country is and how expensive it is for millennials

Hes the one who brought up the economic factor. I just pointed out that 60-70 year olds are a net drain. Thats not to say grandmas and grandpas dont have other emotional benefits. But economic ones not so much.

Oh no old people are actually dying at a normal age again and not being kept artificially alive for years with heart valves and iron lungs and 3rd world child organ and blood transfusions.

At first it is OK to let boomers die, then they kill you when you are older than 65.
Everything for the economy.

And even if there is an emotional hit to grandmas dying, its like.....grandmas die. its sad but its the natural course of things. If it wasnt corona it would have been cancer or heart disease. And I dont remember anyone caring about those.

Uhh... Swedebros???

Attached: sweden.png (885x750, 952.14K)

I don't know what it's like in Germany, but everybody under 30 hates boomers here, yet for some reason, the people who literally wanted to kill all the boomers all support the lockdown.

It's not that simple. Most people seem to forget that there's other causes that kills people. Atm we're just focusing on covid while postponing other treatments.
Let me give you an example. Would you give a liver transplant to an alcoholic or healthy sober guy? Right know we're giving liver transplants to alcoholics and ignoring the sober guy

obesity is a choice in practically every instance. i yeild that foods here can be as addictive as cocaine but as a drug addict i have no sympathy for them. reguardless of any opinions I hope that this whole event will motivate people to become healthier.

he is correct and i dont think he's cheering on anyone's death. people that old should not be forced through economic nessesity to remain in the workforce. i dont have a solution but it is apparent that the usa economy in particular has a lot of dead weight loss due to our lack of employee rights and safetynets.

A possible solution is to rethink familial structure where the grandparents would share a home with their children and grandchildren. they would supplant the need for early childcare while both parents can maintain careers. the biggest hurdle in the USA is the current grandparents are largely narssasistic phychopaths for some reason.

spoken like a true ignoramus
I imagine you’re on of the mindless kneejerking faggots who would lash out at Americans for the population I’m describing any other day of the week, but now the situation demands you defend them; retard

>It's not that simple. Most people seem to forget that there's other causes that kills people. Atm we're just focusing on covid while postponing other treatments.
In Germany, only bogus operations get postponed unless there is a real shortage.