Minimum wage raise to 7 dollars a day

>minimum wage raise to 7 dollars a day
>private sector chimps out
Does this happen in your country?

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Yeah it's pretty wierd. Ours is so low that most people make more simply because it is not economically feasible to work for anyone at that rate.

>muh minimum wage
anyone who defends minimum wage raises is either dumb, a commie, or both

>the country where historically the plutocracy has played an important role

not surprised

based AMLO making these plutocrats seethe and accept that without the aid from the gubmint their companies are corrupt garbage that has zero value

The whole reason why business want to move to Mexico is cheap labor. If labor isnt cheap.....then what the fuck

Japanese car manufacturers recently tripled pay in mexican factories to avoid having to move them to the US.

Sort of.
whenever people here talk about raising the minimum wage you get a lot of bootlickers making veiled threats of automation or people losing their jobs.

Shut up macaco

Not defending it, nobody earns the minimum wage, but corrupt employers register their workers with minimum wage to pay less taxes and have a reduced pension when the worker retires, saying that 700 thousand enterprises would go bankrupt due to a .50 dollars increase is just unbelievable to me.

that would be like 50% raise lol shan't be paying negroes that much or they all want to come here

Why are you guys such dedicated workers?

I want Mexico to be nice.

I want Mexico to come to Poland.

Catholic work ethic
Trips also checked

Yes except we will have 15/hr soon.
As long as the wagies keep paying for me whatever

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Give job

we dont have minimum wages

You have unions negotiating on behalf of each profession

People taking the nordic example to defend the absence of minimum wage are extremely dishonest, it's only because of their gigantic unions they can make it work, if you dont have those a minimum wage cant hurt anyway

Was rised last year and private sector rise up the price of the products.

We all know that. They just don't need it.


we dont even have minimum wage

It's a much better system than minimum wage.

Why is it always Brazil making posts like this?

Honestly unions are based. My union fees are just 0.5% of my wage and it gives you great benefits like travel insurance costs alone about as much as those fees. You get a travel insurance free of charge

>read 7 dollars
>think it's per hour
>wtf is Mexico really that good
>read the end of the sentence

Nordic unions are the biggest we have jobs here.

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lol isn't us min wage 7 dollars?

The unions actually compete with each other, unlike government. Norway, with just 5 million people, has 4 big labor confederations with different benefit packages and prohibits closed shop businesses. Union reps engage with individual and sector-wide leaders directly rather than by injecting themselves into partisan politics. It's a much more market-friendly system than our own more top-down regulated labor market which is itself freer than southern euro countries have, including France.

Portugal has half the big confederations and twice the population, for comparisson.