properly annoyed some gimp in the last thread I did ahahaha -edition
Other urls found in this thread:
dave furiously refreshing Zig Forums to try and get the thread in first
>he's still fuming
I want to order something different for a takeaway than my usual but I’m looking at all these Middle Eastern, Chinese, Japanese and Indian places and I have absolutely no fucking idea what anything is and whether or not it would be nice
Please provide your recommendations men of culture
Where in the everloving FUCK is Emmett Patrick Garcin?
post the links to the menus
fuck off yank
lain is evangelion level pseud shite
just get a cheeseburger
gf can't come over because her housemates are worried about COVID
Absolutely crestfallen
cook your own grub scrub
just came out as gay
get a fucking Nandos in you wrongen
>giving money to "them"
contemporary theories all seem to suspect he got sectioned
in fairness he did seem to slip further into schizophrenia before he vanished
business idea: bogroll but the last bit comes off in one bit instead of loads of useless little scraps of tissue
arkham asylum
wtf are you usually getting if not indian or chinese?
Dad's freaking out about having guests over for Christmas. Rearranging the sofas.
he'll always take up a part of my mind
doing the post-toil poo
gimpdom of the mind
Why are Ant and Dec still around?
holy based
I've transcended baiting people and trolling. Now I just say nasty things that I actually mean. Like telling that I hope he gets run over by a skip lorry. I really hope he does.
Good team here lads
literally no one is actually worried about covid they just use it as an excuse to get out of things they don't wanna do
they already do this lad, it's called a box of tissues
any booger eater man in
Love Chicken Cottage, their chips are peng
my last remaining friend doesn't speak to me anymore, i cant get a job and i have 0 interests in general. im just existing for the sake of existing, even leaving a suicide note seems narcissistic to think anyone will really care
Indian is the best of those options, and they aren't terrorists, nor do they eat bats and cause multiple world pandemics
got phimosis can anyone help
No, I want something exotic
Nando’s is rank shit
Stupidest response yet
I always get fish and chips, sandwich places, pizzas etc. I would actually get Chinese but just pleb stuff like 1/2 fried rice 1/2 chips box or whatever, I’ve never had Indian. That’s why I want to try some of the more exotic stuff but I don’t know if a chicken dim wum sum sum weewaooey dumpling is nice or not.
Yes x
*stretches it like a rubber band between my two thumbs*
Emmet garcin was sadly mauled to death by a jaguar while on a family vacation in belize
Nah I've met her housemate and she's a cunt
i miss him so much desu
reckon your parents will assuming they're alive
Achmed Bin Bombalot
Sort it out mate
might get a kfc tonight
suggest you do the same you complete gimp
thai food is a recent discovery for me, incredibly peng
don't do it lad
then just get fucking sushi it travels well in comparison to all the other garbage mentioned
Kofta and rice is pretty peng, batata harra as well
Literally me.
get a thai
Greasy shite
get butter chicken, paneer butter masla, naan, dosai, gol gappa,
any smoogly woogly bogey eater man in
nah you've been had
hook line and sinker
do i look like multi-billionaire entrepreneur, founder of amstrad and star of tv's the apprentice sir alan sugar?
>I’ve never had Indian
dm me x
mental how he's going to get executed
mental how yanks still do that really, reckon being locked in a cell for the rest of your life is considerably worse
easy indian - chicken sashlik
*raises paw*
at least keep it off the train tracks, inconsiderate to cause delays to people
gol gappa? i barely know her!
reckon i would be a good local
good one lad.
Start by cleaning your room and washing your penis.
What time is your gf coming over?
he probably took a break from posting and then realised that this place wasn't good for him so now he's gone FOREVER
went for a walk round town earlier de lads
foreign legion is traditional.
Should Junko Furuta killers have been executed?
Aside from butter chicken and naan I've never seen any of that stuff in a British Indian place
How can you spend 20 odd years having never had an Indian lmao
Feel free to ignore, but I'd rather you didn't off yourself so....
Watching a documentary on the 94 world cup
can't say he doesn't deserve it
but it's sad to see a young man throw his life away like that
can someone suck the poo out me arse
for me it's
chicken foo young
'singapore style' rice or noodles (it's your choice)
1 chip shop curry
salt and pepper chips
looks like a cyberpunk screenshot
It’s too spicy for me, I cannot handle spice at all. It physically hurts and I don’t enjoy it.
you're legit low iq if you order dim sum dumplings pasta etc for takeaways
tbf bullets are cheap and should be the go-to for criminal scum
>being locked in a cell for the rest of your life is considerably worse
for some people maybe
i dunno exactly why they do it, maybe a feeling of justice for the vengeful families of the victims
maybe they just don't want to be spending tax money keeping him alive
should at least give the option of earning their keep in prison, two wrongs don't make a right
>nooooehhhhhh it lewks laiihke pooh!!
no as she was female
Chicken tikka masala
Boiled rice
Bombay potatoes
5 popadoms
And a cobra please boss ta
a crushing bleak dystopian heelhole that's nothing but grey outside of the signs and advertisements? haha no lad that's just belfast
only sussex lads know
>dont want tax money keeping them alive
1000% this
Spoiler no England
>i cant get a job
learn to code bro
start a business bro
just go to the gym bro and lift bro
gomad bro
chicken broccoli and rice bro
bro bro just start reading a book every day bro
ugh start with the greeks bro
gone way downhill
>maybe they just don't want to be spending tax money keeping him alive
capital punishment costs more than lifetime imprisonment though
im east sussex and dno what this is
ah yes and the endless appeals process says hello
Ahahaha wypipo! Haha haha wypipo be liek! Hahahah wypipo too spicy
Housemates ALWAYS skimping bills and letting on he hasn’t a pound to his name, like each week we take turns topping up electric and gas and he lets on this week that he couldn’t pay all of it because he had to fix his car, which is true, but he also lied about how expensive it was to fix his car. If we go to the pub he pretends he doesn’t have money a lot of the time and when you press him for it he unashamedly just admits that he does, it’s so fucking slimy and I haven’t confronted it properly because he’s a mate. He also does shit like takes my clothes and pretends they’re his and when I say they’re mine he just says okay. Like why are some people like that?
Memes have ruined two whole generations. How much longer must this go on?
don't think executions are fair but they do appeal for really nasty cunts who don't deserve the air they breathe
reckon depriving someone of a life and making them watch themselves get old having done nothing is worse than outright killing them
literally less than 20% of traditional British Indian cuisine is actually spicy.
Vindaloo, Madras, Phall and sometimes Dhansak (sometimes not) are the only spicy curries you will find on any given UK Indian menu.
All the other curries are mild
sharted myself this morning
cool story bro
alri emma
that's only because it's a stupid system and people keep trying to avoid the death penalty for their crimes with appeals or whatever they're called
All Greek people I've met are highly autistic, including my Dad.
i'll take your word for it although it seems silly if that's the case
not hard to put someone down is it
i know they get to choose their last meal but don't let them have a million quid dinner or something that's just taking the piss
Ye, and no fancy trials either spending millions on the circus and the execution itself. These pure evil scum who there is no doubt they committed the crime should just be shot in the back of the head
>those feeling when you is think its that you realize but it is dejavu and not true: bur it happened
doest its happendes to you in your're are an countree?
i tihnk this is onely realated if you are and if you are have been in scandi navia atlaest for since december 2019 or familar with those matters
becaesuse therae was an simliar insident what which happeneds at december 2019
when they talkesed about the phiser vaxine but it was astro senocca and they wantered us to take it but it canceled due to corona virus muteatione
reinstate summary execution for people I don't like
you a swarthy fella eh?
beat the IW internal record for this thing
I know I’m the best fighter on Brit whenever someone gets cheeky I laugh knowing I’d beat them and their dad up
prefer not to say
yeah I wont lie you are correct
but if someone was convicted beyond reasonable doubt of being a serial child rapist you want them to live a comfy Sweden prison tier life?
fuck off honestly
Honey Chilli chicken or beef
Boiled Rice (lets not be silly with fried)
Mixed Hors D'ourves
The same for me except it's actually true.
Might delete all my online dating apps, getting paired up with some absolute uggos these days
Her killers are free and still killing people
How dodgy do you lads think takeaway delivery crab would be?
Hes not your friend
i like ya cut g
*slaps the back of you're head with my willard*
Should just execute them right after the trial innit
fucking hell
fuck off
Light brown hair, blue eyes, pink nips pal
haven’t achieved anything today other than go to millets to buy a pen knife
just feel drained by simply existing today
hope tomorrow I feel differently
I wonder what ps2 game anders breivik is playing right now in prison
didn't even know this place still existed desu lad
didnt take him too long
well on one hand mentally ill people probably just need their lives sorting out, but on the other hand if they have got to that stage then it might be too late to fix them
Are you gay with a small penis? Is your dad?
Been doing drugs and drinking for four days straight now, feel rather exhausted
Dunno how some of you guys do it full time
they should give all these really bad criminals the option to die painlessly rather than live in captivity
dunno why they make such an effort to stop them committing suicide when they're depriving them of their freedom anyway
if they want to live in a cage for 40 years they should be allowed to do that though, and if it'll cost the taxpayer a fortune then maybe let them work from their cell to pay for it
forcibly killing someone is not good for anyone no matter what they've done
maybe you're just ugly and a boring cunt
sake mark...
Reminds me of this sketch
Any twinks in?
Yes im just saying what should have happened, unfortunately we live in a unjust and hypocritical world polluted by ignorant human refuse
straight twink me
He’s rumoured to have a gigantic cock tbf
it would probably be crab stick (krab)
not good but not that bad
if he won't even depict himself honestly why should some shitty video game try?
pizza and curry is the only food that travels well enough with this shit you want to eat a crab go sit down at a restaurant
overwhelming feeling you might be bent
lmao imagine if ted kaczynski was doing call centre work from his prison cell to pay his keep
shut the fuck up negro
no he's just rich
you can practically see his cock in that photo
why's that? her body is perfect
yeah probably from your dildo mates
what does HIV taste like?
imagine if ted kaczynski transitioned when he was young
going to tidy my room lads brb
Bit like this
sincerely hope that isn't the new statesman you're reading lad
mental how he was apparently so close to but changed his mind at the last minute