How would people react in your country if you wear something like this?
They would probably invite me to the nearest Evangelicuck spectacle circus church to go watch a live exorcism.
no reaction but my family and friends may have something to say
they'd think i was in a gang
only whores and rappers wear these
Nobody would care, the disagreements in my country are Protestant/catholic not Christianity vs another religion
nobody would care
Really? Christian icons are seen as something for gang members and whores? Here, some people wear it but no one thinks of it like that at all.
Haha, that'a a good one nigel.
Enjoy living under sharia and payimg tribute to your paki masters in 10 years.
Is it true in USA Latino gang members seem to always wear the cross and have Christian tats yet do the least Christ like things?
jewellery is for women i would get beaten
only christian necklaceses
I'd think you're a fag
whores luv it
Best watch what you say.
I’m northern Irish you pleb also your country is 1/5 Arab, a lot. more than any Western European nation
> In the United States, for example, women are more likely than men to say religion is “very important” in their lives (60% vs. 47%), according to a 2014 Pew Research Center survey. American women also are more likely than American men to say they pray daily (64% vs. 47%) and attend religious services at least once a week (40% vs. 32%).
Where is the gymnast
No reaction. We have a small Christian minority that nobody really cares about.
Gang members use god as a way to cope with the things they have done, the African drug dealers I have met in London are some of the most fervent Christians/Muslims I have ever met
How do Muslims,Christians,Sikhs or any non Hindu people fit into the caste system?
And they just take small portions of the bible/quran to prove how virtuous they are.
In those shock crime TV shows we have here, whenever we hear the criminals being arrested or negotiating with the police, they always seem to say "deus" every 5 words lol.
They don't. Inter-religious relations are weak/non-existent at lower socioeconomic levels but in the metropolises, the upper and upper-middle classes get along regardless of religion or caste.
Yeah I believe deep down they know what they are doing is wrong and desperately look for a way to save their soul in case there is a afterlife
A rosary in one hand and gun (for robbery and murder) in the other.
Would a Hindu care more if their kid got in a relationship with a Indian Muslim or a Indian Christian?
I would think he was a Middle eastern cab driver
Christians are better tolerated than Muslims but that's not saying much as most (>99%) Indians would prefer to marry within religion even if they maintain friendships and professional relations across religious barriers.
They wouldn't
A lot of people wear those.
They wouldn't.
Bit gay for a man who is a hip hop black tbqh
Not that common nowadays but still normal. Plus most people just wear it under their clothes