nomad ove pustoši izdanje
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shizofrenisanje i zoofilisanje
Kako bi sad udushio Slovenca u zagrljajima
nije mi dobro OCU JEBAT NISAM 3 TJEDNA
Oprosti molim te ali ovo je inceli general
Prvi za agent 00-Nejeb
Tjedan dana do Božića, a susjed još nije stavio lampe. Jebem mu mater balinjsko pravoslavno ateističku da mu jebem
ja jesam incel
vec 3 tjedna
Treba objesiti komunjaru
Ovo sam ja (nisam).
Čitajte Leva Šestova, dobar prika.
Najvise volem bozic od svih praznika okrecem janje idem u polaznike sjecem badnjak u krugu sam porodice vesela atmosfera ma joj svidja mi se pravo
jedino sto ja citam je postove na 4channelu a i to postaje jedva
>“Practical advice.—People who read much must always keep it in mind that life is one thing, literature another. Not that authors invariably lie. I declare that there are writers who rarely and most reluctantly lie. But one must know how to read, and that isn't easy. Out of a hundred bookreaders ninety-nine have no idea what they are reading about. It is a common belief, for example, that any writer who sings of suffering must be ready at all times to open his arms to the weary and heavy-laden. This is what his readers feel when they read his books. Then when they approach him with their woes, and find that he runs away without looking back at them, they are filled with indignation and talk of the discrepancy between word and deed. Whereas the fact is, the singer has more than enough woes of his own, and he sings them because he can't get rid of them. L’uccello canta nella gabbia, non di gioia ma di rabbia, says the Italian proverb: "The bird sings in the cage, not from joy but from rage." It is impossible to love sufferers, particularly hopeless sufferers, and whoever says otherwise is a deliberate liar. "Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." But you remember what the Jews said about Him: "He speaks as one having authority!" And if Jesus had been unable, or had not possessed the right, to answer this skeptical taunt, He would have had to renounce His words. We common mortals have neither divine powers nor divine rights, we can only love our neighbours whilst they still have hope, and any pretence of going beyond this is empty swagger. Ask him who sings of suffering for nothing but his songs. Rather think of alleviating his burden than of requiring alleviation from him. Surely not—for ever should we ask any poet to sob and look upon tears. I will end with another Italian saying: Non è un si triste cane che non meni la coda... "No dog so wretched that doesn't wag his tail sometimes.”
holy based cirith ungol
interesantno, hvala
It's actually Elric of Melnibone's artwork done by Michael Whelan, which they frequently used as their album covers, my frog friend.
joj presladko... htio sam snimiti vocaroo ali ispadem retardiran na srbohrvatski. evo me baš pakiram kofere I kradem obiteljsku srebrninu za put do hercegovine
Good to know thanks
Evo još jedna kratka:
>“Whilst stay-at-home persons are searching for truth, the apple will stay on the tree.”
Don't mention it, it's always nice to see a fellow CG fan!
mrzi me da procitam
pa ovo je sjajno
Svaka cast.
kako se prosipate
>Predsednik Narodne skupštine Ivica Dačić tokom diskusije je rekao da je sve oko upotrebe bitkoina veoma komplikovano i pozvao ministra unutrašnjih poslova Aleksandra Vulina da "hapsi odgovorne".
može neko da objasni Dačića
jel ga drže jer je ruski čovjek? nemam drugog objašnjenja
Pa pametno batina po rebrima sve resava
sav sam nesto izjeban