/balt/ + /ausnz/

saturn edition

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Proppa edition


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i am peaking, iam god. you dont veven know how good this sitt is


Can someone make a thread about this?
I cant make threads, or post pictures now.


Even some fat chicano has 2 gfs.

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i kinda know the 10x softer version, stop shooting it

I am tired of being alive.

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be quiet

theyre fat

Why? You need to know the truth.

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go away redditor


>i hate being shitskin, i wish i had non-brown eyes.

i dont like u

They're not.

Don't normally go there.

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>3 posts in a row

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Is polyamory common in Mongolia?

Why? I'm just propagating the truth.

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Wait so being in a relationship again means relying on one (1) person for attention?

>that dirty sole

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He hears us.
Make Thread for us so swedish bastuniggers and slavic banjaniggers can go away.


You can steal a gf from an user and can rely on two (2) people for attention.

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But then I have to share it with her?

You will be the sole man in the relationship.

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Fuck Latvia
I start to understand you guys now

god no it doesn't
my ex girlfriend began to hate me once i made friends and developed hobbies and shit because prior to that she had my undivided attention and she was fuming once i began to give it to other things alongside her (even though i was still seeing her often, texting her every day, etc), it slowly killed our relationship
ignore that spastic horse


>poly cuckolds and sõycels
>random nigga high on heroin
>pickering about inane bullshit
Welcome to /balt/

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Not married. Just having two gfs.

čemodan -> vakzal -> rasija

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youre annoying

you don't realize it now but we are living in the good times

Why? Is the truth annoying you?

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youre obnoxious

Not gonna work. Guy i know has gf and wife. Gf killed her wife.

>random nigga high on heroin
its tough in the Lasnamäe ghettos

bit jealous of that heroin man desu



Sounds based.

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you are almost as bad as the lithuanian christ autist from last week, he was also talking about "truth" and shit