>Netflix Cancels Turkish Show After Government Demands Removal of Gay Character
> The Turkish government refused to grant Netflix series 'If Only' a filming license if the streamer stuck to the the script.
>Netflix has confirmed it has canceled production on its original Turkish series If Only after local authorities demanded the streamer remove a gay character from the script.
Is President Erdoğan /ourguy?
Based Turks
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Shitflix is retarded, they should’ve known that Turkey would never stand for having a fag in their show
It's disturbing how gay values are the only existing Western Values now
Based roaches.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
That being said, I'd pick Turkey over Netflix kikes any day of the week.
Further proof that these shows are just propaganda. Why else wouldn't they just remove the character or make him straight?
Homosexuality has been legal in Turkey for longer than it has in the US.
yeah the only time white people seem to get outraged is if anybody except them are affect negatively by something
>blacks murder and torture a bunch of white people
who cares
>muslim blows up a concert for of children
just think about all the Islamophobia this will cause
>gay person doesn't get a cake
better send rape and death threats to the bakery and get the government involved to lock him up and ruin his business.
>"just" propaganda
so you're saying the company values something other than straight money.
that's very generous of you.
God, I want to exterminate roaches.
White liberals are all self hating sucks, they like associating themselves with non white groups because they desperately crave their approval and want to be part of them
There's also worshipping niggers & pretending women are oppressed. Oh, and the sanctity of trans children.
not just white liberals, white republican politicians also cuck out the moment a lefty cries.
Trump and Pence both stood there and did nothing as they burned down one city after another
Definitive proofs Turks aren't white. God bless.
Look at this. Look at what they make you give.
It's not about "gay values" you shit-stinking amerimutt or amerimutt proxy. It's about personal liberties, letting you to carve your own path without the petty opinions of others. The hiveminded insects of less subhuman races can't tolerate this and want to destroy West and the pinnacle of human advancement. We need a world war 3 to cull this planet of the nationalist and other degenerate tribalists.
Fucking this. It's the simple faggotry of the current Turkish government. They believe populist moves like these will get them reelected. Sad truth is, it will probably work.
Look at this. Whitey cares so much about the right of fags to pozz each other that he's willing to start WW3.
>they burned down one city after another
does being a lying faggotyass drama queen come naturally to you, user?
t. Gayreek
We're pretty busy destroying Western advancement ourselves.
>amerimutt doesn't get to keep his mass-produced slave-trader literal who statue
Then drives a car into a crowd of irrelevant protest to own the libs.
>Look at this.
it was better the first time blanche
I heard Alex Jones whine about "elite creating breakaway-culture" and I actually hope it exists, because majority of humanity is literally non-value excess and will never ever contribute to anything worthwhile. They are a genetic and memetic dead-end for our species. The faster we get rid of it, the better.
Hello faggot
that's pretty cool of them, they can have hagia sofia
>local authorities demanded the streamer remove a gay character
This just in : Zig Forums conservatives love government censorship.
The only thing destroying West is the nationalist. They are lazy and dumb but exceedingly demanding of "purity", gibsmedat and other childish self-entitlements.
>I heard Alex Jones whine about "elite creating breakaway-culture"
From what perspective? Was he trying to suggest he was one of the poor shitkickers being left behind by this "breakaway elite" or that it was something of which he was part?
Based Netflix
Fuck roaches and erDOGan
Absolutely based ESL poster
>imports millions of muslims
He's not based, just realized that America and the West is not untouchable. After China set and example how nobody can criticize them and basically can get away with virtually anything, more and more leaders realize that you won't necessarily get bombed by saying no to ideological cuckoldry. The EU is basically a non existent force and the US is crumbling under its own weight, so now it's the time to be a renegade.
>exceedingly demanding of "purity"
It is pretty funny.
Theodore Roosevelt and that swedish guy who spied on the confederacy for the union owned slaves?
Whites are a minority of the world's population though
Muslims > nationalists
Think about it logically. Muslims may be inferior due to their race but what excuse do nationalists have to be total losers?
>Disney’s Onward ‘banned in Middle East’ over lesbian character
>Specter is being celebrated as Disney/Pixar’s first openly gay character (Disney has featured gay characters before, in last year’s Andi Mack series as well as 2014’s Good Luck Charlie).
>Which is brilliant and more is set to come with Marvel’s Eternals set to not only feature the first openly gay superhero, but also the franchise’s first gay kiss.
>However, according to Deadline, countries including Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have banned the film after censors picked up the reference. Bahrain, Lebanon and Egypt are still showing the movie.
>In Russia, editors have gone in another direction by changing Specter’s girlfriend to ‘partner’, while there is no mention of her gender.
>Onward isn’t the first Disney film to face the censors in some countries, after Beauty And The Beast was banned in Kuwait, as well as Malaysia, due to an LGBTQ+ ‘moment’.
>Russia – who has previously edited scenes in Rocketman and Avengers: Endgame that contained LGBTQ+ references – had given Beauty And the Beast a 16+ rating, alienating a large chunk of the children’s film’s audience.
>Kori Rae, a producer of Onward, previously told Yahoo Entertainment that Officer Specter’s LGBTQ+ identity came about naturally.
Faggots having the right to penetrate each other's buttholes to cover them in excrement is the pinnacle of human advancement
yet you're okay with child labor to build iphones
What went so wrong for the country of liberty?
this those stupid nationalists and their ideas of “borders” why are they so dumb to see that importing the entire 3rd world is a good thing?
you hate your father
Nothing sad about it faggot. Kill yourself
It's the children's god-given right to work, you fucking bigot
based muslims slavs and chinks saving civilization
He hasn't done anything against America, he just told the kikes to shove their gay shit up their own asses.
>genetic and "memetic" dead-end
look at this retarded faggot thinking there's a genetic and "memetic" goal of some kind
what a stupid, spiritually dead bitch
Based erdoggerino
Essentially this:
Having dead-ends doesn't mean there has to be an end-goal, you stupid, stupid fucking animal.
I actually recognize this kike, he posts screaming threads on Zig Forums 24/7 under an ancap flag about FUCK NATIONS, NATIONS IMPEDE PROGRESS, YOU ARE ALL STUPID FUCKING NIGGERS IF YOU BELIEVE IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN A GLOBALIST SOCIETY
Why is there a gay character in EVERY single Netflix show or movie? Is there like a fucking clause or something?
Because it triggers subhumans, which is hilarious.
"Child" implies that chinksects are human to begin with.