Was is bad acting?
Was is bad acting?
Ok you win. Im going to watch this shit just cause I need to know what this little monkey is looking at.
what exactly is this?
>google this movie
>click on images
>every image is his face on close-up
fucking kek
>that dying nazi woman soldier with tits hanging out
Didn't expect to get hard watching this
me too
It's a prequel to Popeye the Sailor Man.
It's only been spammed every day for the past week
why was there a cameraman filming all this and why were they walking straight towards him???
nah it's pretty good
I haven't been on Zig Forums in a long time. I mean I've basically stopped playing vidya and watching movie/tv. I just came by to see if anything cool was happening. And it doesn't look like it.
What is he looking at?
This was kino as fuck
>he fell for the forced shilling
You see here the soldier takes the boy to "come and see" you, the viewer. He is horrified because it turns out YOU were literally Hitler all along for watching his suffering. Powerful...
You won't regret it, it is a great movie.
No it was superb acting. Name one movie where a young actor acts better than this one. Come one... just try..
I would like to know too
Zig Forums non-stop shilling and spamming
it's kind of a big spoiler
better than some usual capeshit or starshit flick spam
it’s actually a very impressing well done and acted scene.
you clearly didn’t watch the movie or are a Zig Forumsbaby mad about the film portraying the ss and their foreign support chorps as what they were: rabid criminal maddogs
the dirlegang were a bit of a naughty bunch I must say
for you
400 blows
Yi Yi
Bicycle Thieves
Hey, don't be racist against ukrainians.
Playstation 5
babe that's so deep
What the fuck is this from?
Come and See. pretty great film.
>shilling a film so old everyone involved in making it is dead already
What a loser.