The Bet

Just to finally clarify this for autists who claim this is stupid.

Qui-Gon lies and tells Watto he acquired a pod to cover up the fact Anakin built it.

Watto demands Qui-Gon front the entry fee. Qui-Gon says Padme's ship will be the entry fee.

Watto says if Anakin wins, they should split the winnings 50-50 because Anakin is technically his property and he is supplying him.

Qui-Gon says if it's going to be 50-50, Watto should cover the entry fee instead. The ship is now Watto's insurance.

If Anakin wins, Watto gets the winnings minus the cost of the parts Qui-Gon needs. If he loses, Watto gets the ship. It's a win win for Watto. He agrees to this.

Later on, an entirely separate bet takes place. Qui-Gon wagers the pod against Anakin and Shmi's freedom. Watto argues no pod is worth two slaves. Qui-Gon says just Anakin, then. Watto agrees.

So the net result is, if Anakin wins, Watto gets all the winnings but loses the part and Anakin. If he loses, Watto gets the ship.

Anakin wins, but because Watto bet heavily on Sebulba, he loses the prize money on payouts. Hence, he has 'lost everything.'

It isn't difficult to understand.

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Why did you make a thread for this?

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you cant call people autists when you made this thread. star wars is gay dude

Was the "bet" just the boy, or his mother too?

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Ah, yes, the children’s story about the child racing some kind of space-ship.

Because I just watched the movie and am baffled by people's continued confusion surrounding this matter.

None of that fucking matters you dumb faggot, the goddamn Jedi, a supposed master, tried using mind control on a race that's immune to it, and somehow didn't know about the immunity despite knowing what race Watto is. It's a dumb clusterfuck. Who fucking cares about the goddamn bets?

Why didn't he just mind controlled everyone to give him money or at least a credit?

Since he already tried on weinstein, it doesn't seem like the most immoral thing in the galaxy, especially given what's at stake here.

Sometimes I think the whole is just an all too convenient setup for some kind of space race spectacle.

He still has Shmi though. That's something. She is a female slave that can produce more slaves without having to have sex. Probably worth something.

Why didnt he just carve up watto on the spot and take the parts, anakin, and the mom

it's never stated that all goydarians are immune to mind tricks, only that wattoberg is
mind tricks work on the weak minded

>it's never stated that all goydarians are immune to mind tricks
"I'm a Toydarian! Mind tricks don't work on me, only money!"

Cause that's not the Jedi way.

Why didn't the Jedi just kill Wattostein?

>"I'm a Toydarian! Mind tricks don't work on me, only money!"
That's like saying of course I can play hockey, I'm Canadian!"
It's just a stereotype thing.

I realized a while ago 99 percent of prequel criticisms are just brainletts failing to understand simple movies

Why didn't he just find someone to exchange Republic Credits for local currency, assuming Watto really was the only person with the part he needed? There has to be some exchange rate, because Tatooine has to do some amount of trade with the rest of the Galaxy, because they know the spaceships each other use, and parts for Republic ships are sold on Tatooine, so there must be someone else who has use for the currency of the major power in the galaxy

>space ship
You mean like space age chariot racing?

It's not complicated but its obtuse as fuck. It shouldn't take a fucking paragraph to explain a bet.

You’re comparing nationality to race user
>of course I can swim, I’m a dolphin!
Other than being a fucking leaf the dolphin is naturally able to swim

Explain this, Lucas apologists.

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Wow I guess since Pesos have a a value you can compare to the value of a dollar you can use pesos to buy stuff anywhere. Wow prequel haters are just really fucking stupid let me guess you are 16.

So after defeating Darth Maul and saving Naboo, Obi-wan and the Jedi Council never thought it would be worth investigating Anakin's birth? Like how Shmi became pregnant with a super-midichlorian child? And while they were at it, buying her freedom from Watto. They wouldn't have to let Anakin live with her but she'd be free to have a normal life. Seems like a perfect chance to do a good deed and solve a very important mystery that has far reaching implications.

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There is no way Watto could hover flapping his wings that slowly. Hollywood does the same shit with dragons.

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>killing a literal child slaver to free two innocent people and get the shit you need to save an entire planet is not the Jedi way
Wasn't Qui-Gon a morally grey Jedi anyway?

>you can use pesos to buy stuff anywhere
You can absolutely exchange Pesos for dollars at a bank or ATM in Mexico so you can buy things with pesos.

No, he was a Jedi that differed from the status quo of the council because of his view of the "living force".

Bitch looked 50 in TPM. How the hell is she gonna produce more slaves? Does Jabba run a back alley in vitro clinic on Mos Espa?

I think Mos Eisley is supposed to be like some backwater town where banks or ATM don't even exist.

Because they see a bunch of memes, trolling, and repetition by idiots who never saw and are just repeating those same memes. It's a vicious cycle of retardation. I think the memes are funny but if they cant distinguish between a meme and what really happens when you can just torrent or probably see the clip in question on youtube they should probably be wearing a helmet. Same goes for a lot of movies and events.

It is, but they weren't in Mos Eisley, they were in Mos Espa, a large spaceport city controlled by the Hutts. Luke lived out in the boonies as a moisture farmer near Mos Eisley because that's where the Lars moisture farm was, where Shmi and her husband moved.

>Using your super powers for personal gain and greed
Yikes anonbro. Have some self control

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