Trans Actors

Let’s have a serious discussion about trans actors. Do you think they should only be relegated to playing trans characters, or could you suspend your disbelief and accept them playing cis characters?

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Case by case basis. Some trannies pass (for a couple years at least) and some don’t.

If that's a man I must be gay cause I'd fuck it

There are two kind of trannies.
>Ugly ones that don't pass
They are mentally ill people that should be exterminated
>Hot ones
They are mentally ill people that should be treated as sex objects

Since regular people arent allowed to play trans they shouldnt straight. Only fair. And there should only be as many as there are in real life, hopefully meaning a lot less

>everyone who is different than me is mentally ill!

I mean, transmen are men. Transwomen are women. They can play any role a cis actor can play
It's really that simple

If I showed up at work telling everyone I'm Napoleon I'm sure they wouldn't think I'm sane.

They're not saying they're Napolean. It's gender.

>regular people arent allowed to play trans

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Trans rights are human rights

I mean...yeah pretty much everyone has mental issues. Just not everyone makes it so apparent and forces others to accept their fantasies. Most just take drugs

My ex is regularly confused for a girl where she works despite not having come out as trans. She's only been on HRT for about a year give or take. Kids will just flat out tell her she looks like a girl and parents regularly blush when she tells them she's a boy. Her sisters are actually jealous of her hair and what not. I think the only reason she hasn't come out yet is because she's scared of her dad's reaction.

just shut the sweet fuck up you transphobic bigot sandwich.

even your gay tranny ex bf knows he's male dumbass

like how? sexual identity is no the same as sexual preference.a trans woman can still be cis or gay.

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cry harder


there are more of them in Hollywood than you think

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If they pass like the girl from Supergirl then I don’t really care

I never knew she was trans.

she's ok I guess.

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It's more kino when cis actors play trans characters

>In her late teens, Lysette was a track athlete and performed as a showgirl in bars and clubs around Dayton and Columbus, Ohio
G-god can you imagine being a roughneck trucker making a stopover at some Midwestern dive bar and then have some barely legal tranny in a skimpy dress with obvious buldge grinding on your dick. God imagine

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How do I stop jerking off to this dude?

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is that the based pup from the Ass Thread?

Excellent false equivalence you fucking melon


How? he looks like jo lo truglio lmao that fucking head.

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white can only play white
black can only play black
asian can only play asian
man can only play man
woman can only play woman
trans can only play trans

not him but you need to DILATE

there's been rumours for ever that clint eastwood is a tranny

>Implying you wouldn't suck her cock

if only there was a profession where I could pretend to be something other than myself

trans women are women tho

Lmao what? Like ftm?

That's some wild shit, and obvipusly not true


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dafuq do you think. look it up


Why is this number always different?

Y'know, I'd almost buy it about his facial features but you can't fake that he's 6'4"

Its always getting bigger


What? So was she a guy and is pretending to be a girl? Or she’s a girl pretending to be a guy?


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A boy, dunno why the gay poster seemed to dance around it

if all trans people looked like this nobody would have a problem with them

the problem isn't the trans people, it's that they're ugly as fuck

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>If that's a man
adam’s apple is bigger than her dick, user

>giant wall of text that specifically targets masculine-looking trans
4chins sure has a way to school them trannies huh, thanks to this high quality schooling I'm sure all cases of gender dysphoria will disappear within minutes!

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You're gay dude.

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>I'm sure all cases of gender dysphoria will disappear within minutes!
Not within minutes, but give it some years

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he has biological children so it’s doubtful