Why are lesbians so kino in fiction but so gross in real life?
Why are lesbians so kino in fiction but so gross in real life?
because movies and tv show lipstick lesbians, not the real thing
Because it's very rare to find attractive lesbians in real life.
Who is that?
Because lesbians don’t exist
Because lesbians in film/tv are globo-homo's arm for pozzing the youth. They realize that the average kid is going to think two fags kissing is pretty gross, but two pretty girls? That's completely different.
checkmate, athiest
Where's the ass?
They can be hot and friendly in real life but the few I know like that play on a sports team. But I can see why you think there not, most have issues which means they don't look after themselves, smart with trannies
They're put through the filter of the male gaze.
thread isn’t called lesbians with giant asses that please niggers
It's also not called, "lesbians with little boy bodies that please faggots".
yeah but your the one making the argument that it is, not me. the burden of proof lies on the accuser.
You are either fat or a tranny. This is a fact
W-what show user?
Motherland Fort Salem, it's about witches in the military. Fun show.
There are hot bis IRL. no lesbians, though.
Interesting, its not by CW right?
>so gross in real life?
That applies to humans in general. Have you been outside recently? People are fucking ugly and gross. I'm so sick of those flesh prisons.
if i was a fat tranny i wouldn’t be calling you a nigger
No, Freeform
It's weird, most bi people I know irl are hot. Exceptions are the SJW tranny freaks who claim to be bi of course. I'm talking about actual bi people.
idk user, I'm painfully average looking
Alright you convinced me user.
Average is the new hot. At least for me. I have a weird thing for normal, more average looking people.
thats the thread i'm looking for
You can still be a fat femcel. I know the how the lolcowfarm bitches roll.
Only ugly girls need to be lesbians. Pretty girls get men easy.
Man why do I find that scar so hot?
which one is the top and which the bottom, i need to know which one to fap to
Men use relationships to get sex
Women use sex to get relationships
Gay guys groom and style themselves and lift weights to look as handsome as possible so they can fuck as many guys as they possibly can. Since men are less discriminating than women their lives are basically a 24/7 sexual circus act.
Women don’t care about look as much as men do so lesbians are free to move in together after 1 week of awkward scissoring despite looking like hideous overweight badly dressed smelly pigs.