>expected some Constantine-level badass demon hunting
>turns out it's about a fucking nerd librarian collecting books
I don't know what to think
It was kind of comfy but I thought the ending really lacked some punch or some interesting twist, it just ended on an open note
What are some similar movies? Besides Eyes Wide Shut
Expected some Constantine-level badass demon hunting
I never got what actually was the ending
so The Girl is who? And where does he go into?
My guess was she was a fallen angel and I'm pretty sure he's walking into hell at the end.
>used to be one of my favorites
>now when I watch it I can't forget the directors a literal pedo
>this crusty fucker probably diddled kids in between days of shooting
>expected some Constantine-level badass demon hunting
Why are you so retarded?
I was 11 when I saw it user. I was definitely filtered
That's what confused me
I originally thought she was the one who would help him, like he somehow just woke up when the library (I think) was on fire.
I figured she was protecting him but for what reason, I dunno.
the girl was satan and he had to eat the forbidden fruit (her ass) to enter hell or something
>I figured she was protecting him but for what reason, I dunno.
I mean he was on a fast-track to hell, so why would Satan not have some fun along the way of getting a soul?
now that you mention it that was what confused the fuck outta me
They fucked
What was the point of that? I think I remember it showing she was Lilith (possible Eve?) or the Whore of Babylon during the fucking which was even more confusing
>I figured she was protecting him but for what reason, I dunno.
I think it was because she knew he was the only one who was going to succeed at opening the way to Hell.
>>turns out it's about a fucking nerd librarian collecting books
mfw I am a nerd librarian.
Constantine is pure shit compared to this masterpiece.
The whore of Babylon
I watched for the first time the other day, because it's always being talked about here. It sucked. Depp really can't act, he just walks around talking in a monotone.
have you seen the poster?
>I mean he was on a fast-track to hell,
why ? ther's no reason to punish him, he wasn't super evil
Compared to the Balkan guy who I expected was going to be literally Satan in disguise (cf Angel Heart)
It was recreating the final illustration of the whore of babylon with the dragon. I think the dragon was meant to be the beast which would imply that Johnny Dep was Satan. Wouldn’t make that much sense as he was in the dark for the whole movie, but he did enter the gate immediately after, so he could have undergone a transformation.
>protag was satan all along
so it's DevilMan ?
>that hairline
>male librarians
I'm surrounded by qt fellow nerd librarians everyday, 90-95% of my graduating class were women. And they are not shy about hooking up.
Is this the one where he's in the woods in a house or something? I remember a trailer for this being on some DVD for something else I had.
Just watched this today, I went in without any expectations and I liked it, very comfy and Depp was kino. The ending wasn't really that clear though.
Would love to see more movies like this, maybe with more supernatural elements.
Watch Angel Heart
I assumed all male librarians were gay, like male flight attendants and Catholic priests.
>male flight attendants
aren't they the definition of CHAD?
It's implied she's a witch
I suppose that if one is a non-gay chad working as a flight attendant or a librarian, one would be swimming in the wanton adoration of sexy female coworkers.
what am i looking at here
Being a nerd does not automatically make someone gay. And it is pretty fun being surrounded by fellow nerds. I have no regrets.