Whats the verdict on this?

whats the verdict on this?

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jeffrey was pretty based

not guilty of abuse. those girls were whores.

>Let's focus on the personal interest stories of these abuse victims and make it a MeToo thing to detract from the fact that this guy was running a blackmail scheme used tocontrol basically any important US figure so Zig Forums incels will side with him
I'd say it was successful, good job Mossad.

Pretty interesting, but like said, when they stopped focusing on him, his connections, and the island and focused on his victims the wind went out of its sails. Especially episode 4

noooo you can't just blackmailerino the heckin wholesome christian politicianerinos they just wanted a little funerino

I don't understand how this meme works anymore

Attached: 1594784900807.png (272x378, 239.64K)

This was wasted opportunity. Epstein felt more like a vague vehicle to introduce all these whiney women together. Wish they would have gone into more detail about him

Give me 1 bit of proof he ever worked for mossad

Ok Muhammed

How about you tell me who you're claiming he was working for first, and then we'll compare evidence?

It was made to draw attention away from the really heavy stuff and give normies the feeling of being informed.

wow you're defensive, I take it you have no proof?

jews being jews

jews being chads more like

How about the fact that he's Jewish, frequently went to Israel and his gf Ghislaine Maxwell's father was a Mossad agent


Epstein was small fry

Feels a lot like an attempt by the elites to appropriate the Epstein narrative and direct it away from where it really could hit them.

>hahaha, look at those crimes by Epstein! Not THOSE crimes though

Watch this

Connections to Ehud Barak(IDF), Ghislaine Maxwell's father was Robert Maxwell who had ties to Mossad. Not definite proof, but we don't have that and it's the explanation that makes the most sense. Again, if you have another theory, I'd be glad to hear it.

not proof

Still awaiting to hear who you claim he was working for, as well as the wealth of evidence you have to support your theory.

I don't have to prove anything

Yes you do

Then neither do I

you are retarded, stfu jew

Make an arguement or I'll assume you're a shill

>omg he jerked off in front of me im scarred for life how will i ever recover from this waaahhh

>be abused
>guy says he'll pay you to bring him more victims
>do it
>still have the nerve to cry about being a victim
>the absolute state of women

Who are you quoting?

> Epstein good
> Depp bad.

The state of you faggots

both are good