Ezra Miller thread

Do you think he and Colin fugged?

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wtf I thought colin ferrel was straight

i guarantee it

he just boypussy orgasmed right in the chair lol

>boypussy orgasmed

>he cant hands free orgasm

He clenched his pelvic floor muscles

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no farrell is not attractive enough for ezra

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He’s handsome as fuck and it’s not the first time he banged a twink. He fucked twink Jared Leto in Alexander.

anal leakage is very common among degenerate gays.
They leak liquid poo from they stretched ass holes sometimes.

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fuck flash, when is he going to play the role he was truly destined to play

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He's a yoga/dance/etc fag, super flexible. That hole is as tight as a drum.

none of those tighten your asshole

Speaking from experience?
Sorry to hear about your blown-out o-ring user

Kegels is one of the only exercises someone can do for sphincter strength.

>not pic related
Is the ultimate comic role for them

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you're silly

Holy cope kek

Was Grant always gay?

rare footage from before that clip

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What is his best role?

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>not circumcised thanks to German mommy
holy based

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For fucks sake

for me, it's Patrick.

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this fag looks like he was sculpted by the gods. It's unfortunate that he is gay.

I wasn’t expecting a lower body that good desu
I don’t find him attractive but great butt/hips/legs
Shame he looks more like a crackhead every day

It's kinda funny how he's taller than Farrell
He's a long boi

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Everyone always memes about the face but he has a nice body

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