Tony Soprano Net Worth

How much money was he making a month?

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> David Chase and The Sopranos producers worked with a technical consultant, former New York assistant district attorney Dan Castleman, to fully understand the way the real mob made their money. According to Castleman, Tony Soprano's estimated net worth was $5 to $6 million—but this number often fluctuated due to Tony's gambling habits.

About $3.50

seems kinda low considering the risk

He didn't sell drugs.

1 kajillion dollars

> seems kinda low considering the risk

Came here to post this.
6 million is kinda low for a mob boss. I know small and medium businessmen who are making way more money.

He was the boss of a glorified crew.

The Chicago Outfit had gambling rackets that reported dozens of millions of dollars every week.

These guys spend like crazy, high class escorts, parties, drugs, gambling, 5 star accommodation, expensive dinners etc if they were sensible with their money they'd have a lot more

I'm on another rewatch right now, S1 is so good bros, with Junior and Livia being the primary antagonists and also two of the most entertaining characters on the show.

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The Chicago Outfit wasn't a glorified crew.

They literally address this early on in the series. All of AJs friends expect Tony to have crazy amounts of money. The game changed from what they saw in the movies

For example, Harvey Specter and Louis Litt (from the series Suits) were making 1.5 million US dollars a year for being Lawyers

In comparison it seems like a greater deal

I dont know

It’s kind of hard to determine considering his only legal properties are his house, lake house, cars and boat (which would probably be around $5 million or so), we have no idea how much cash he had hidden around Jersey and other places.
Tony’s worth isn’t really built around how many assets he personally owns but by how strong his gang is and how much they control around North Jersey and elsewhere, given the family aspect he controls a group taking in hundreds of millions every year and has direct access to dozens of safehouses and other businesses.

And the cheap fucks killed a waiter because they didn’t want to tip him

Paule is a repulsive character

Probably better to have a lower net worth so he can avoid taxes and extra suspicion from the feds.

Tony is just not nearly as powerful or successful as he likes to think he is. Sure he’s got a lot of political pull and can kill some nobodies no problem but in the grand scheme of things he’s barely a fly on the Ass of Jersey and anyone with serious wealth or pull could get him killed with no real consequences

Yeah some episodes have him dig up buried cash, but I gotta ask what’s the point of having all that wealth and assets if you can’t use it?

If he and his gang were so weak why didn’t New York mafia just took over his territory?

Its pretty apt considering he was the boss of the New Jersey, hell the guy he was loosely based on didn't nearly make that much money

>Crime isn’t as lucrative as people think.

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net worth is hard to estimate, and largely useless bc it's almost entirely tied up in your house and real estate/stocks/businesses, if you own them.

North Caldwell, NJ, has a real life median family income of $152k/year.
Zillow estimates the house they used for the Sopranos to be worth $1.7m.
The recommended downpayment on a house is 20%, but working in crime means you have a lot of cash on hand, so let's bump that up to 30%.
So you have a $610,000, assume the his credit score is around 700 considering the state, his age and his very high income. For his zip code, that would mean a 3.1% interest rate on a 30 year mortgage.

Based on all of that, you would need to have an income of minimum $250k to afford that house. Which makes sense that they'd be on the higher end for their town considering it's not a particularly big name and they sent their kids to private school.

Now consider that you're putting two kids through private school, have credit-card swiping wife, you like gifts and jewelry, you'd have to assume that he's got plenty of money to burn, so I'll be generous and give him an arbitrary extra 100k in income--a lot of which he isn't paying tax on.

In conjewsion, I believe Tony Soprano made under $400k/year.

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Hesh outright stated he estimated his net worth to be about 5-6 million. Which sounds about right. Crime isn’t as lucrative or steady as people think.

They need guys in New Jersey to make money with. Obviously they can’t run both territories at the same time, they need a dedicated outfit there. In some ways the jersey mob is just a satellite of the New York outfit. Might as well work with the guys who live and grew up there and have all the connections.

He had a monopoly on the entire cocaine South Florida cocaine market in the 80s--and beyond, reaching a height of 85% of the global cocaine market at one point.
And he lived in a country where the cost of living was negligible.
That's a few steps up from union grift, extorting gamblers, loansharking to working class idiots, and selling stolen cars.

I’m always astounded by this guy’s wealth, did he own any really nice mansions?
I only remember Pablo having a decent villa and a ranch but that’s about it.

Holly fuck
He was richer than Bloomberg, or Jack Ma

>tfw Warren Buffett still lives in the same little house he bought in the 50’s for $31K
I like that he’s doing the giving pledge stuff but you’d think the guy would have some enjoyment from being that fucking rich.

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This is a more extreme example. Plus he dealt with drugs, Tony didn’t.

Hesh is the most underrated side character

Some people aren’t interesting in spending for the sake of spending. I’m sure he probably does other things with his wealth that aren’t as conspicuous. Like traveling and stuff.

Even thought they were not as rich as Escobar, some American mobsters were rich as fuck

For example, Tony Salerno

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The Genovese were the biggest and most successful mafia organization in the world at their height.
They were on cartel level shit.

Its almost like theyre degenerate criminals, or something.

Is it true he got aids (or other std, I don’t remember) for having gay sex in Alcatraz?

That’s kino

I suppose, I’m not a big spender myself but I feel like I’d at least try to build some sort of kickass underground base hiding beneath that little house or something with that kind of dough.