
one year later nostalgia edition

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Funny how everyone just sorta forgot about this show.

High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most

The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days

And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free


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just because something isn't in your face 24/7 doesn't mean something is "forgotten" jesus what is wrong with zoomers.

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jenny's song and daenerys going nuclear were the two good things about season 8. rest was shit

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>Have fun freezing your balls off in the derelict shithole filled with rapists and murderers that is the Night's Watch, son.
>Your mother? Sure, I'll tell you all about her next time we meet, which will be never because I've just taken up a new job half a continent away and you'll probably die in a few years at The Wall.
wtf ned

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in the end, catelyn was the best character on the show played by the best actress. and thankfully she died before they had time to ruin her. can you imagine how retarded plot she would have gotten if she had continued to live past season 3?

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I will never care about another piece of media like I cared for the first four seasons of GoT

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People I know actively deny ever watching it these days, because of the guilt of associating with such garbage.

it was the last show the entire world watched (pirated) together every week.

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She was so good I'm salty we didn't get any LSH even if it would have been awful

they probably named their daughter khaleesi or some shit and thought the show has a feminist message (all MEN must die)

she was well casted unlike brienne

>let's cast this princess like 10/10 as a character whose defining trait is her ugliness

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My girlfriend and her friend group were obsessed with this show and all were very underwhelmed with the last season. They haven’t talked about it since. But you know what they regularly talk about still? Friends.

didn't even bother watching s8, shit pretty much died in s7 for me, which was utter trash with a few redeeming moments (Jaime leaving is the only one i actually remember now). as far as i'm concerned the s6 finale is where it ended, last actually good season. fucking sad it ended this way, with my boy Jaime getting JUSTed (i was hoping for a more dignified end).
to the people who've read the books, what are your favourite chapters/bits? it's been a while since i've touched them, but i remember being blown away reading Jaime's chapters in ASOS first time. also his storyline is what made AFFC bearable, best character in the damn series. i know he gets shit on a lot here and /lit/, but he truly did a fantastic job with that character

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our gal

Jaime VI in a storm of swords is the best thing gurm has written because of the extremely long dream sequence. it's also a chapter that makes you sympathise with someone who fucks his sister and pushes little kids out of the window. anyone who says that jaime isn't on a redemption arc is a pleb who can't read

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Everyone hates it

Any good leaks from the failed Naomi Watts spinoff?

Why did it fail so spectacularly?

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She was still fucking ugly

>the fat fuck is never finishing it

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I'm surprised they didn't capitalize on it's popuarity to make spin off shows and video games.

ya those spin-offs are so never going into production now

I miss bobbyposting

winds will be out next year, on the tenth anniversary of dance

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There is so much money to be made. Shame.

ASOS is def the peak of the series. That book was whole was so much fun. And yeah, Jamie/Cersei stuff really saves AFFC.

was varys even in the final season?

yes he was one of the better things about it

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>Started watching GoT at University
>Im 31 now
>No interest or desire to watch / read the books ever again

10 years gone....all to sand.

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No one forgot, it was just hyped to shit during its run like all major franchises are and now that it's over the media has moved onto the next flavor of the week. Besides the show was only good for the first few seasons - arguably just the first - and it's absolutely terrible conclusion killed all interest for more material even for normies.

It was a soap opera with sex and swords, nothing more. Such stories have no longevity.

lol what are you on about she's fuck ugly

>imagine managing to watch past the middle of season when even a retard could see this show was shit