
Genderbent edition

I am not linking to the previous edition because it was frankly a disgrace which 404'd quickly but it still wasn't fast enough.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>female riker

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>computer, render the battle of wolf 359
>replace all starships with my penis, 500 times normal size
>loop commander Picard saying “engage”
>disengage safety protocols

Riker was an asshole, he should have died of a space STD and been replaced as first officer by Ro Laren. You cannot refute this.

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>I am not linking to the previous edition because it was frankly a disgrace which 404'd quickly but it still wasn't fast enough.

Based. I thought about bumping it but decided to let it die of shame instead.

/trek/'s been doing better lately. Postnumbers are up.


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Replicators suck

Transporters suck

The holodeck sucks

I'm supposed to take politics and dilemmas in that universe seriously when such marvels of science exist? How are wars even a thing when you can literally replicate anything? How can you motivate young people to go fight and die when they have full bellies and the ability to live any life they want via the holodeck?

>How can you motivate young people to go fight and die

Right, like with the episode when Q allowed Picard to redo his life. When Picard saw how he ended up as some middling, mediocre science officer he decided he'd rather be dead. Why would anyone leave paradise on earth to join Starfleet when 99.9% of them wouldn't have glamorous, exciting careers as senior officers?

reminder that Lower Decks will indisputably be the best Trek show from the Kurtzman era even if it's bad and has nothing to do with Star Trek, and that Mariner is cute and perfect

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And at least cadets from the academy would have aspirations of reaching the top where the real fun was but what about the enlisted crew members? Central to Roddenberry's vision is the notion that earth is an actual paradise free from poverty and violence. You could have anything you wanted. So why would earthlings want to join Starfleet? It would make much more sense if most recruits came from the colonies.

Wrong race to be cute

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What do you prefer? Andorians? I agree there are lots of cute aliens but I will always be most attracted to humans. We're just programmed that way.

That’s wrong because I really wanted to see a series with Riker in command and worf as his first officer

I think that this actually likely.

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Did this actually happen? I knew that trekkies were nerds but I didn't imagine any of them had this kind of hacking power. Must have been Zig Forums, right?

alwaysd just the image no text or debate. just the same.

It was back in 2017. Smartphones were working on a much less safe DR/DT back then.

I know you will probably never understand this feeling, but it is about doing something that you feel is worthwhile with your life. To give your life purpose.
It is the single thing that motivates humanity. And if you'd remember the Voyager lower decks episode, you'd also remember that there are people who are far happier working in the bowels of the ship than even going on something like away missions and earning glory or being heroic.

Are there any good Star Trek books or vidya ? I am craving some novel (to me) Trek content.

jeanne luc would get it

all the Peter David written books are pretty gud, at least the 90's ones.

The Lower Decks is about to come out. Just wait for that.


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heh, see my gender bender pic is well liked

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Plot twist: Holodecks are only available to higher-up personnel and are the primary motivation to perform well at their jobs.

It's alright. But you should fix Benjamin Crusher's hair. Deon Troi's isn't great but it looks like it could be real. Maybe age Jeanine Picard up a bit too, while you're at it.

Then how did Barclay manage to get on the holodeck on the Enterprise? He was barely above an ensign in rank.


Question: Which are your favorite Starfleet uniforms? Which are your least favorite?

Me: Favorite is the DS9/VOY uniform. Least favorite is the TOS movies uniform, or what I refer to the Santa Claus uniform.

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I like the DS9/VOY uniform the best right now, though I'm watching through Voyager so I'm biased. Worst for me is the TOS movies uniforms. They just look kind of dumb.

You've done good work. My critique doesn't take away from that. But you can go further. If you ever want to make lieutenant you'll have to.
I like that there is a variety of uniforms. I know it isn't really like that in Star Trek, but I like the idea of different ships having subtly different uniforms to distinguish themselves. TOS ones are silly, but better than the new movies. Like most things in that series, I thought the ENT uniforms were kinda dumb at first but they really grew on me. TNG = DS9 = VOY.

Which show had the best opening credits music?