Whats this body type called?

whats this body type called?

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its called small boobs with narrow hips.



the sigourney weaver



"The ten year old boy"

the sixth grader

10 yr old boy

The what the fuck is bra for

And this is how I met

>people defend this as lara croft

the abby

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I want to lick her body like a popsicle

The Non-American


Attached: Alicia Vikander The Man from U.N.C.L.E. 2015 [35.53-36.04].webm (1920x800, 3M)

I have wider hips and I'm a man.

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pls be in london


If she had any hips to speak of it wouldn't be so bad. As is she's built pretty awful.

i don't want to be that guy, but it is well known that "she" sucked & fucked old Harv

>muh hips
Hola Jose

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The Transition

The Fridge

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Actresses, not even once. The majority of them have shit bodies

there is nothing wrong with a woman having an athletic body type

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Is this a new thing I'm unaware of, like "Hi Ireland" thing with ass?

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so do lots of dudes

athletic does not mean no female traits
if you want to fuck boys just fuck boys

That's a man.



>we need an actress that will not make women feel uncomfortable or envious in the slightest
say no more

she was a lead in one of his films (Tulip Fever) and after the scandal broke out she said that "nothing untoward happened", which implies she was a willing participant

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