Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

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calm down vince

Trash trash Trash trash
trash trash Trash trash

For me, Buffallo '66 has got to be one of the best movies ever. It has got to be because there's music, there's drama, there's romance. I like it. I like it because it pulls at my heartstrings. I wish Gallo would release his latest movie but we don't always get what we want.


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What are other similar movies? Sad and fun at the same time.

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Based Gallo responding to his adoring fans (via assistant as he apparently does not own a computer).

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What does "too deep in storage" mean?

Strong contender for actual best film ever made in my honest opinion.

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shi shi shi shi shi

He should fire his personal assistant

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Seconding this, Buffalo ‘66 is one my all-time favorites. Would love some recommendations.

Why? The email itself legitimately reads like parody. Calling him "my main squeeze", let alone the rest of it. It 100% comes off as a tongue in cheek joke.


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Buffalo '66 and Inside Llewyn Davis are my favorite films.

thread theme

Solid movie. My mother put me onto it actually, had a burned copy from the rental days.

Not as similar but has some scenes that come close.

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Happiness (1998)

Sad and Fun could also be Planes, Trains & Automobiles but it's a different genre

Nice Buffalo dubs.
And it's just a lazy reply. There was obviously a lot of effort put into the email.

happiness is like a shock comedy lmao.

Based trips telling the truth
Means that he is a big pussy and won't release it because it got mediocre critical response at festivals and he got butthurt.

Why can't I find that movie dubbed in japanese? not even subtitled

Why do women hate this movie?

Arthoes love this move. What do you mean?

I just said my mother put me on to this film , you absolute retard



I wish too, user

Beautiful scene

What a shitty movie. Can the characters shut the fuck up for a second and just let the movie breathe. Had the same problem with that shitty alien movie RLM was shilling. Writers - have your characters SHUT THE FUCK UP sometimes

Women love the movie but hate the brown bunny.

Women hate Gallo but still find him attractive.

There's almost no talking in the first 15 minutes of the film, you fucking retard

The movie had lots of silent moments. I can think of several off the top of my head.
>the entire intro
>the awkward pauses at the family dinner scene
>Ricci's dancing scenes
>the bowling scene
>Ricci and Gallo laying in the motel
Did you even watch it, user?

The whole strip club scene had like 1 line of dialogue too

>That garbage was "a lot of effort" to you

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