For me it's Cristin Milioti

For me it's Cristin Milioti

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Reminder that wops aren’t white

How do you figure?

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is palm springs actually good? i hate all other andy samberg movies

>I hate all other andy sandberg movies
Same but I ended up enjoying Palm Springs, give it a try.

It's pretty good.

Cute. I knew an Italian girl back in high school who looked very similar to her but also had fat tits on a tight body. It was kino to be honest desu.


Why do i keep getting her and another similar actress confused. I cannot remember her name.

a very rapeable actress, but not a forceful rape, more just one where you tell her to get on her knees and she does it reluctantly

Is it Rosa "Alita" Salazar "Slytherin"?
Patrician taste.

No, she was italian too i think. Was in a tv show and sports a bob cut all the time.

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alyson hannigan

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She's a sexy baby.

Tranny wig

>5 foot 2

I have a thing for short med women. No idea where that came from

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>i have a functioning penis
Wow thanks for sharing

Fuck no, the one im thinking of is brunette and petite and has a bit of a beak for a nose

I can't stand modern women in movies. This chick is a schizophrenic whore who yells and swears at Andy for most of the run time, kissing him with a mouth that had sucked another dudes dick less than 24 hours before, and yet she's also a smug super scientist who puts him in his place and he falls in love with her.

And this is a "romantic comedy". Is it any wonder dudes are checking out by the millions?

kate micucci?

watch groundhog day instead

Ok nevermind then

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This lady?

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For me its Mary Elizabeth

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why do italians always have those big bulging eyes

They evolved to see if the pasta was ready

I choose this Italian American broad. 60yrs old & still fine af.

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