Kinos about self-improvement?

kinos about self-improvement?

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daaaymn what a saucy bimbo
sure would love to throw a fuck into her

so shes constantly wearing colored lenses? yikes

She took the call

This is your nation on jews

La Métamorphose (2013, Shindol)

All women are whores you dumb christcuck

bimbofication is hot af.

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she went from trad wife to a thot

Shut up incel

Is this the designated bimbo thread?

People choosing Becky over Stacy are low T and lack thumos


Shes about 13 on the left you nonce

lol this pic's meaning is so fucking retarded when its the wrong way

Why is it hot tho? I fucking despise bimbos but get rock hard when I see before and after
I don't get it

>from whore to whore

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say

Bimbos are fucking repulsive.

More like this is what happens when you liberate your women.

Your instincts make you fall for supernormal stimulus, you despise those who turn themselves into such stimulus because you know they're the dumbest of women trying to attract the dumbest of men.

Objectively the best one

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Youre objectively low test

The joke is she was a whore from the start.

it was made by a bimbo fetish tf artist as a sort of reverse bimbofication then some retards took it as a political comic

3 > 2 > 5 > 4 > 1

Had a literal bimbo as a fuck buddy for some time. They are absolutely horrible in bed.

White culture is so degenerate. You deserve everything you have coming.

no you fucking didnt LMAO

easy as fuck

This fucking monke actually thinks whitey cant nuke him off the face of the earth, how cute

Believe what you will. The reality is that bimbos are terrible in the sack, basically having you do all the work.

If you think getting laid is some great achievement, you really do belong in the basement. Literal retards, alcoholics, drug addicts and wife beaters have managed that for thousands of years. You have no excuse.

>You have no excuse.
I don't go outside except to work

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>can't even walk in your neighborhood without getting jumped by blacks
>thinks his coward tranny nation is going to nuke another superpower
Lol go take a knee to your black overlords you cuck white faggot.

hot take

I don't like bimbos but here's it's an improvement.

oh my fucking god every single time I hear this cope its from some sad sack virgin who barely fucks around, the last time I had to endure this shit irl was from a guy in a friend's of friends group who I know for FACT that he doesnt get laid for shit

the essence of FUCKING, is finding an attractive wet hole that you want to SMASH against the bed until cooming
this "woman doing work" in fucking bed, is a side activity
never mind the fact that you pretending bimbos dont know how to suck off a dick or wipe their tits on a guy like pros is just the most delusional larp of all time, all you do when posting stupid shit like you just did right now, is out yourself as a FAGGIT who cant make a woman do what he wants

bimbos are the ultimate fuckdolls and most MEN know this
they will do whatever and let them themselves get thrown around on the bed by the hair if youre man enough, and you my friend, are either a fucking loser who managed to lie long enough to get a girl naked until she realized what a faggit you actually are and/or you dont actually fuck around for shit

user, you need to stop reading those CHOYA novels. You're mixing up reality with fiction. Some pills might be necessary, other than the HRT you're obviously on now already.

I dont even understand these numale references youre throwing out, but Im gonna guess thats a good thing

You NEED to STOP underlying THOSE words, because only REAL MEN do it, right?

Son, get off the computer and help your mom with the dishes.

This meme implies beckys are wholesome but the whole nerd girl thing is itself a different tactic for reaching the same goal.