Why weren't girls this horny when I was in highschool?
Why weren't girls this horny when I was in highschool?
They were just not with you
Your name wasn't Calvin Klein.
They are as horny as dudes are, just not with people like us.
bro they were this horny when i was in middle school
why were you in a middle school
user... i
before there was ever middle schools we called them jr high school and when i was in jr high in the late 80s there were sluts. hell i lost my virginity at 12 to a 15yo who was my cousins friend
This is such a fucking myth.
Yeah, they get horny, but not as often as guys. I needed to cum 3-5 times a day in highschool.
When I came home after being around teenage women all day at school I had to hide in my room and let out my cum on newspapers on my knees like a dog, I did this every day, and that’s not including the often night and morning jacks
>Yeah, they get horny, but not as often as guys. I needed to cum 3-5 times a day in highschool.
>When I came home after being around teenage women all day at school I had to hide in my room and let out my cum on newspapers on my knees like a dog, I did this every day, and that’s not including the often night and morning jacks
Kudos to the director and the actress for portraying such visceral and palpable cocklust through the silver screen.
What fearsome emotion.
did anyone wonder where the newspapers were going?
they do
>let out my cum on newspapers
For me it was a cumshirt or just making a stain on the carpet and claiming I spilt shit on it
Naw, it was just a few pages ach page, this was back when newspapers were an inch thick everyday, and my dad saved them to donate to the church that recycled them for money for a retard school.
I used newspaper in my room because after being pent up at school for hours it came out really fast and I could just roll it up and put it in my trash without them wondering why I am in the bathroom again
well apparently young people are having less sex overall than they were in the 80's and 90's and shit. So idk probably something in the water
>took money away from retarded people by jerking off on their donations
none of you jack offers are slick. your parents knew exactly what was going on especially your dad
>Got caught jerking off by mum once
I remember a couple of girls in school getting almost animalistic in public with how horny they were. Writhing and humping the air.
Try being good looking next time.
They were, just not for you
Remembering back, girls sytribated like crazy. For some I'm sure it was just nervous energy but for others it was no doubt for stimulation.
>people like us
What do you mean you people?
holy shit imagine a BIG BLACK DICK inside her
OP just killed himself
Was Breakfast Club actually an accurate depiction of high school trends and tropes at the time? Minus the lack of phones, social media, etc. of course
Done. Lock it up
Yes it was
unironically this, tho
if you didn't experience horny high school girls you've missed out, they're amazing
my friend from HS just recently shared that he once cleaned toothpaste off of one of our hottest classmate's teeth using his tongue. it's too weird to be a larp. Those who went straight home to watch anime never gets any action nor even the opportunity so yeah pretty much this