
Thread for classics, arthouse and auteur cinema.

Howdy edition


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Another webmless thread

Arbitrary number dedicated to the love of my life, Zulawski. Sleep tight, sweet prince

Among all those "waves" has there ever been some that were organized and intended? Or has it always been just a name critics plaster on a group of films/directors without real personal connection?

Dogma 95
FNW to an extent


Dogme 95 and ARGUABLY the Greek weird wave, since there was absolutely no way for 3-4 directors in Greece to come up with the exact same ideas in the same time period without organization (or at the very least plagiarism)


Could you pull this look, /film/?

Attached: john-travolta-urban-cowboy-1980-RYGD5W.jpg (851x1142, 141.53K)

Yes and I'd look just as faggy as Travolta

auteur theory is a meme

Pour quoi?

read kael's response to Sarris. basically it reduces discussion of films to their basic stylistic traits that can be discenerned as general patterns among an "auteur's" filmography.

also now it is just used as a marketing ploy by studios since we are supposed to care about someone's "vision" now (irrelevant of the fact if the film is good or not)

I don't think it's really detrimental. If a director has a cohesion to his work, keeps presenting the same themes and styles, he's a special director compared to the ones that don't. In other words an auteur.
For current use it feels like a qualification, to be an auteur is to be be an artist. Otherwise you're just a studio hack or a good craftsman. And while the label won't mean someone's films are good or bad per se, that shouldn't be a problem for discerning viewers.

Weren't the Cahiers a pretty organized group?

Yes, that's righ bank, there was also left bank though.

Yes, but I don't think the Left Bank filmmakers were as closely associated outside some collaboration. The Cahiers group were also publishing writing together.

>If a director has a cohesion to his work, keeps presenting the same themes and styles, he's a special director compared to the ones that don't. In other words an auteur
I feel this is detrimental mind set to have discussing a director's works- especially when a director is aware of their own auteurship they will less often try to experiment or break out of what people see them and their films as- as to stay commercially and critically afloat

I mean the same thing happens with every artform

Left bank is also part of new wave, Resnais, Varda, Marker are generally considered New Wave

Yeah, but French New Wave was not a cohesive movement at all. The films are very disparate in approach and style. Cahiers group was actually organized in a way, and is distinct enough from Left Bank that I think it fits the bill of what the original question was.


Greek Weird Wave is just people copying Lathimos with Lathimos producing

Don't see what use this is to anyone and don't see why this was made other than out of anger. Also, it's the same exact films on other popular Letterboxd lists, just under a different name. If somebody wanted to know what white liberals were watching so they could pat themselves on the back, they could just look at those (or go on twitter)
I don't know if this is your account but looking though it I actually like the reviews, better if you/they spent your/their time writing more

Not my account. The description of the list just gave me a chuckle. I have a feeling they post here though

Most of his Letterboxd reviews read like he's trying to impress his university professor.

Almost every director from Czechoslovak New Wave studied at FAMU, sometimes together. Herz studied DAMU so he was exception and also said he doesn't consider himself part of New Wave. Several worked together on Pearls of the Deep. There were also overlaps with screenwriters. Like Juráček who did Case for Rookie Hangman, he codirected Joseph Kilian with Schmidt. He cowrote another film for Schmidt. He cowrote Daisies (no credit on trannybox) and something else for Chytilová. So basically the same organization as FNW but they met in film school.

Attached: Дикие лебеди (1959).jpg (2880x1760, 1.14M)

This was better than Vertigo

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Where can i find this? I can't find a working torrent.

Attached: Countrymen.jpg (780x1170, 138.67K)

>tfw no 15yo Sissy Spacek gf

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