Rank them

rank them

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dunno lol

Hunchback is certified kino, Mulan is comfy and Lion King has the best music.

All of them are good except for Pocahontas.

No u

>Kino Tier

>Great Tier
The Hunchback of Notre Dame

>Only had the VHS because your little sister liked them Tier
All the others

>the rescuers down under
What the fuck were they thinking?

The 90's really were the best decade for movies. Even the cartoons were certifiably kino.

Hercules is boring trash.

1. Little Mermaid
2. Hunchback
3. Hercules
4. Mulan

The rest can be trashed, although every Disney movie after Jungle Book could disappear and I wouldn’t care.


Everybody else was making epics while they decided to go through the motions with typical 70's tier Disney cartoon animal schlock

Beauty and the Beast is still the most well-rounded. Hunchback is second best. Hercules is the best comedy, Aladdin the best adventure film, although Mulan is a close runner up. Everything else is inferior than those.

Imagine thinking Lion King is inferior to Hercules or Mulan.

god tier: Lion King
high tier: Hunchback, Aladdin
mid tier: Beauty and the Beast, Mulan
meh tier: Pocahontas, Little Mermaid, Hercules
shit tier: Tarzan
did anyone even watch this tier: Rescuers

stop shitting on tarzan you cucks

It is, I'm sorry for your taste.



>Down Under
Eagle kino
>Lion King
Lion kino
Hades kino
Great aesthetics
Great music
Frollo is cool
Princess shit is shit
America is boring af

Hercules is shaded like a fucking television cartoon, Lion King was meticulously designed from hundreds of real animals, hundreds of high resolution paintings and looks like an epic. I'm sorry your taste is utter shit.

Isn't Rescuer Down Under legmetelly a vast improvement over the first one?

Lion King > Aladdin > Beauty and the Beast > Little Mermaid > Beauty and the Beast > Hercules => Hunchback = Rescuers => Pocahontas > Tarzan = Mulan

Lol yes. It's acrhay a great movie. I'll literally never understand the hate.

>Anything Disney after Walt died

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Sure, it looks nicer. Everything about it is forgettable though. This can't be denied.

Hercules is the best one. It has the best soundtrack out of them all. Aladdin and Lion King have the second and third best soundtrack. Hunchback and Mulan both have one great song each but otherwise have a fairly forgettable soundtrack.

>everything about The Lion King is forgettable
what sort of zoomie retard are you? It is literally the most influential Disney film of probably all time.

they're all good but here is my ranking

Aladdin > Beauty and the beast > Hunchback > Tarzan > Little Mermaid > Mulan > Hercules > Rescuers > The Lion King > Pocahontas

>Hunchback has a forgettable soundtrack
>Hercules is best
What is this absolutely contrarian autism?

Little Mermaid
Lion King
Beauty and the Beast

People who like Lion King or Beauty and the Beast are insufferable and I lowered their positions based solely on how much I hate people who like them.

nice dubs, you're pretty close to the correct rankings but lion kino is way too low

>Lion King was meticulously designed from hundreds of real animals, hundreds of high resolution paintings
Is that why all the Lions look like Baghera from Jungle Book?

Lion King babies need to admit the movie is trash and is just a shitty Bambi rip off that runs too long and blabbers on with too much dialog.

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