Best Seinfeld girl.
Best Seinfeld girl
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Teri Hatcher, no question.
>mentions she has a boyfriend
>starts making out with jerry at the end of the episode
>cut to apartment
>her and Jerry suddenly making out
This show was bullshit
The girl who liked giving Kramer backscratches, and he cheated on her with the Elaine mannequin. What the fuck was his problem?
I'm surprised the first post wasn't Debra Messing
because you guys are racist
for me it's her because I liek redheads
She thinks we're not gay. I guess we fooled her.
She's still hot as he'll, but prime Debra Messing was on a completely different level.
I can't find any teen Debra Messing pics.
the pianist girlfriend who gave george hand
>George dated 47 women through the course of the show
>he was engaged with a woman set to inherit millions of dollars
bullshit indeed
>I know I can make you happy
The line delivery is hot and heavy
The one where Jerry goes out with a big tittied high schooler
when did you realize this show was just a jew power fantasy
All the hottest women already had boyfriends. Jerry was a Jewish BVLL
Pic related
Seinfeld is nothing but mockery of goy culture. While you laugh at the show, it laughs at you.
>Jerry, I fucked Newman
Also pic related
Although whether he was a bull or a simp is up for debate
>most popular show on television
>earning hundreds of millions
that PLUS thousands of hot women looking for their foot in the door of entertainment would be on his dick. Jerry was knee deep in pussy
Jane from the hamptone and Mulva were the hottest
The absolute hottest girl on the show was the one with the cat with fungus.
how could they get away with this, the character is supposed to be 15
it's usually not, larry wrote for snl and jerry could get on carson so it wasn't like they were losers
but the show does go after old money WASPs like mr pitt and the ross family pretty hard
Jerry getting girls in the show makes sense since he’s a relatively wealthy and famous comedian. George Costanza is below average looking, has no money, and is a neurotic mess though. Him getting with Susan is unrealistic
>former NBC exec that comes from a upper class family getting with a fat manlet that’s cheap and makes far less than her
>Jerry never got with Supergirl
>George Costanza is below average looking, has no money, and is a neurotic mess though. Him getting with Susan is unrealistic
and susan is his only long term relationship
the idea a liar with no sense of shame could get dates isn't unrealistic
Seinfeld is immune to the goys judging gaze, he literally dated a teenager irl
Lois and the Melrose Place cop girl were cuties
pick one
Always felt she was underrated