The worst scenes in cinema history
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>thunderous applause, screams, cheers
>fireworks fired at the screen
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What the fuck is the comments section. Is this the voice of “mass appeal”?
>that comment section
Why do chinks, pajeets, and Arabs eat this shit up? Not even dumb Americans like this crap
>chinks, pajeets, and Arabs
What makes you say that?
>get searched
>hide the card
>cleared to leave
>pass the card on to the next person being searched
For what purpose?
I'll drop a few of the 'classics'
Opening fight scene in Gangs of New York
Whatever the fuck this is
Any scene involving Legolas in the third Hobbit film.
this is very crazy film haha what is name of woman ?? i like to watch her trick
>bridge falling
>he mario jumps on the falling bricks
I remember getting up, doing a 0, moonwalking into the screen and phasing out of the cinema
>cat women
are they trying to beat world record in most cuts in one scene?
the catwoman one takes the cake
it looks lika a ciara videoclip
what movie
Soery for bad english ... is fun
I remember my friend begging me to come with him to see this in theaters despite me telling him that the movie is going to fucking suck. Easily one of the worst movies I've ever sat through.
>seven cuts just to jump up on a wall
HOW was this allowed
Using smells like a teen spirit in a movie about Peter Pan just feels so out of place. What’s worse is that the characters are actually singing the lyrics
Based Seagal
Will Trump ever recover?
50 years experience making movies and you can't devise a less awkward way to shoot that scene
i almost turned the movie off during this scene
the way he leans over at 0:04 already looks like he's about to snap his shit up
Scorcese should’ve had the scene focus on the daughter’s face the entire time while you the hear the punches and grunts in the background. It’s more impactful since the focus is on the daughter’s reaction to her father’s violent nature. After, have a close up shot of the shopkeeper all bloodied up. Never show the actual fight
This. There is no way that Marty should have kept that awful master shot as is. FFS; cut around the embarrassing shit that De Niro is doing and focus on close-ups and reactions.
dat giallo lighting
Jesus fucking Christ
why the fuck aren't there any comfy magician movies like the prestige? The only other ones are this faggy movie and the illusionist which is more a romance story than anything
posting just one clip of the star wars holiday special is disingenuous. the whole thing is completely fucked. every second of it. that's not even close to being the worst part either
That's the idea
The pan one doesn't make since because the studio cut the directors film. There's other stuff that shows that Neverland and everything in it exists outside of time/space. It's why no one ages. Hugh Jackman though has found a way to get back to time and space. So he can pop up in 1995 seattle, then go back neverland, then go to 1842 england, then go back to never land. It was a cool idea to play off of so the people of neverland can drop in and out of the timeline. But studio execs cut most of the stuff and it looks like he's just randomly ripping off a Nirvana song with no explanation. He claims the song is his by the way.
that was kinda funny actually
hehe he just keeps sexually assaulting women and putting them in bras and shit then makes them dance using magical powers while he sings a weird song that can't keep beat keke
>American entertainment
Not even once
It's not like your country is producing anything
>Tele München Fernseh GmbH + Co. Produktionsgesellschaft VOD
The cantina scene with Bea Arthur is decent, and the Boba Fett cartoon is neat.
fuckin kek