1) Why does Elon have her number ?
2) How does the media ever knows about this ? Text messages are supoosed to be private
1) Why does Elon have her number ?
1) probably met each other at some event and became friends, elon was obviously trying to slide into her, which eh did (and cara delevingne both at the same time the mother fucker)
2) because this was brought up during their trial.
>in 2020+10-5x1+5
I have a better question
Why is Elon such a simp?
Her crazy pussy feels amazing
What do you mean why? They dated.
Is being a SIMP cool now?
in 2030?
"love" is a stupid feeling that destroys men
i bet grimes wants to fuck amber while he's in a chastity cage
It certainly won’t exist then.
This is what people care about and not corona.
How will our descendants think of us?
How the fuck does this bitch do it? She's not even that good looking, she doesn't have ass at all, a Brie Larson type bitch, and let's not talk about her horrible personality. There's definitely witchrcft going on. Musk is a piece of shit attracted to evil. He wanted her only because Depp had her, he saw her as a challenge. Once they divorced, he wasn't interested anymore, she wasn't a challenge anymore.
brie larson is beautiful u fat bitch
This isn't real love, she made them drink a love potion. Look at Johnny, once the charm was gone, he started wondering how he even loved this bitch. The charm was broken by her shit on the bed. this is advanced witchcraft.
The economy is burning but yeah I guess we didn't do enough fat ass
>Text messages are supoosed to be private
>The charm was broken by her shit on the bed.
Do you think she was testing the strength of the love potion?
Both events are equally worthless
They dated????
Elon is a bald hair transplant faggot nerd beta orbiter
It was probably mentioned in court and court is public
celebrity tabloids arent a new thing
thats male ''love'', it makes our lizard brain see past all the girls flaws (that literally all of them have tons of), if it wasnt for that women would be all but subjugated
I think she realized he would never beat her if the charm wasn't broken. She needed him to get his senses back and give her a good beating that she could use on court. We are in the presence of evil here.
We discovered that holding a BLM sign magically prevents the virus from spreading, so Corona is basically over now.
Faggot I'd ram her ass like nobody's business. She also looks like a decent fuck.
Thanks Obama
She looks like she fakes it in bed because she's actually a lesbian and only date rich men to suck their life force and money.
dk why but elon musk strikes me as somesort of beta cuck. he could do better than this bitch
depp is a beta cuck as well.4
u know whos actually redpilled and based? jared leto fucks a van of 16yold pucci every weekend and doesnt make a story for the news out of it
>yes thanks amber while you were slutting it up for the camera now I have your stupid lipstick on my face all night
And? You think I'd give a fuck about her fake orgasm as I pump 200000N worth of ejaculation in her sphincter? Still would, and Elon got a threesome out of it. Fair deal, if he manages to not get entangled by the witch.
then how do you know
JAred Leto is a degenerate who should be arrested and he's a shit actor who made joker so cring they had to cut him off almost entirely and he ruined Blade Runner 2049.
Friendly reminder that Elon Musk told his (now ex) wife at their wedding reception "I am the alpha in this relationship" and he's now the king simp.
except Amber is an actual bitch while Brie is an awkward sweetie.
at least hes not publicly simpin and queening in no relationship with no dumb bitch like depp. he treats them for what they are-a toy