In 1984, Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) protects Washington, D.C. as Wonder Woman. She retrieves stolen artifacts from a group of smugglers operating in a shopping mall, including a magic stone with the power to grant wishes, which is sent to the Smithsonian museum – where Diana works as an antiques dealer – for restoration. Diana befriends Barbara Ann Minerva (Kristen Wiig), an introverted historian brought in to study the stone, who aspires to be strong and powerful like Diana. The stone grants her wish, turning Barbara into a confident bombshell. Diana, on the other hand, wishes for the return of her dead boyfriend Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), whose spirit reincarnates into another man’s body. Only Diana is able to recognize him as Steve, and they happily reunite.

Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal), an oil magnate on the verge of bankruptcy and estranged from his young son Alistair, seduces Barbara in order to steal the stone to pay off his debts. Upon learning about its magic properties, however, Lord wishes for the stone’s power to be his, allowing him to grant people’s wishes, but also claim something from them in return. Lord uses his newfound abilities to revive his company, attracting Diana and Steve’s attention. They break into Lord’s office and discover he wields the power of the stone, which was created by "the god of lies" and is responsible for the collapse of numerous civilizations across the centuries due to the destructive nature of greed. Upon learning that Lord is in Cairo to finalize a deal with a local oil baron, Diana and Steve steal a jet from a nearby military base to reach him, but are pursued by fighter jets. Diana uses her power to turn the jet invisible, evading their pursuers, and confides to Steve her desire to fly on her own. Steve advises her to trust her instincts and "ride the air".

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>Diana uses her power to turn the jet invisible
what power?

>gal gajew cant carry a movie so we need the guy who DIED last movie to come back

In Cairo, Lord grants the oil baron’s wish to rule the country, causing a massive wall to appear to keep the oil baron’s enemies out. Due to the United States’ support for Cairo, the Soviet Union believes the wall to be an act of war against their allies. Diana and Steve find Lord amidst the chaos, but Lord manages to escape when Diana realizes that the price she paid for Steve’s resurrection is that her powers are severely reduced. Back on Washington, Diana asks Barbara for help, and learns that people can recant their wishes, regaining what they have lost in exchange for what they were given, and deduces that Lord recanting his original wish will undo all the wishes he has granted since then. Barbara doesn’t want to lose her newfound strength, and betrays Diana, alerting Lord of her plans.

Lord’s body begins deteriorating, so he arranges a meeting with the President and grants his wish of a larger nuclear arsenal in exchange for access to the President’s satellite system, which Lord intends to use to broadcast a nationwide message urging people to make wishes, allowing him to steal their health in exchange, and become even more powerful. Diana and Steve confront him, but Barbara ambushes and several beats Diana, who escapes with Steve. Lord transforms her into Cheetah so she can kill Diana in their next encounter. Meanwhile, Steve urges Diana to recant her wish in order to regain her full powers and stop Lord, claiming that he is grateful for the time they had, but it’s time to move on. Diana reluctantly does so, and Steve vanishes. Inspired by his sacrifice, Diana taps into her powers, "rides the air" and gains the ability to fly, in time to dismantle a nuclear missile that the Soviet Union had fired against the United States in retaliation for its newly-acquired arsenal.

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Imagine caring enough to read that

>In Cairo, Lord grants the oil baron’s wish to rule the country, causing a massive wall to appear to keep the oil baron’s enemies out.
am i getting trolled?

>the price she paid for Steve’s resurrection is that her powers are severely reduced

Are there any WWfags ITT that have any comic recs? A League of One is the only one I've read and it was pretty damn good, they shoulda just made a movie out of this

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Lord broadcasts his message, wreaking havoc across the world as people’s wishes come true. Diana arrives at the satellite installation clad in a legendary indestructible golden armor forged by the Amazons, and fights off Lord’s men before confronting and ultimately defeating Cheetah. When Cheetah refuses to recant her wish, Diana electrocutes her, leaving her wounded, but alive.

Inside, Diana confronts Lord, who easily subdues her with the power the wishes have granted him. Diana manages to tie the Lasso of Truth around Lord’s ankle, connecting her to all the people that Lord is influencing, and makes a passionate speech that inspires people to recant their wishes, weakening Lord. Alistair finds himself alone on the streets during a riot and wishes for his father to save him. Lord senses this and recants his original wish, restoring order and turning Cheetah back into Barbara, before rescuing Alistair and apologizing for his mistakes.

Lord is once again bankrupt, but is determined to do better for his son, while Barbara returns to working at the Smithsonian, but retains some of her assertiveness. Diana runs into the man whose body Steve was inhabiting, and they share pleasantries as Diana reaffirms her faith in humanity and her vow to defend it.

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>Diana uses her power to turn the jet invisible
fucking hell

Will I be able to follow this one if I haven't seen the first 1983 movies?

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>nothing happens, nobody dies, nothing really at stake
You can tell a woman wrote this movie, holy kek.

- The movie begins with young Diana competing in an obstacle course in Themyscira against much older contestants. She is winning at first, but is knocked off her horse in a moment of distraction, and takes a secret route to regain the lead. Her aunt, General Antiope (Robin Wright), pulls her out of the competition moments before victory and scolds her for cheating. Diana later echoes her words during her speech to the people that Lord is influencing.

- Diana operates in public throughout the movie, but there are two scenes – one in which she destroys the security cameras in the shopping mall and one in which she asks a boy whom she saves to keep their meeting a secret – meant to maintain the canon that she abandoned humanity for 100 years after the first movie.

- Diana has the power to turn objects invisible, which she avoids using as it is very straining. Prior to the jet, she mentions that the biggest thing she turned invisible was a cup.

- Diana has a series of pictures in her apartment revealing that she remained friends with her WWI squad until their deaths, as well as Steve’s WWI-era watch, which is from where Lord’s magic extracts Steve’s essence, and how he proves to Diana who he really is.

- The Golden Eagle armor belonged to Diana’s great-grandmother, who used it during the Amazons’ exodus to Themyscira. It was forged from pieces of the armors of fallen Amazons and blessed by their spirits to be impenetrable against the swords of the men who killed them. Steve learns its history after touching the Lasso of Truth, which is also able to give visions of great truths of the past.

- Lord is not evil, just selfish and manipulative. His power requires him to touch people to grant their wishes. He uses television as a weapon because the radiation they emit “touches” people as well.

- Barbara's transformation into Cheetah happens off-screen and their fight takes place at night. She has roughly 15-20 minutes of screen time.

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Oh I'm sorry did you not want that fun comicbook thing in your disposable capeshit movie

>nobody dies

What about Chris Pine? He's two for two in these movies.

>nobody dies
Why do zoomers feel time is wasted if blood doesn't splatter on the screen?

Perez's run is the definitive take on the character imo

the hiketeia
also the nu-52 run by azzarello was fairly good.

This shit is written by an AI


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>Diana uses her power to turn the jet invisible

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Perez run
Rucka's 1st run
Legend of WW

That's it. You won't find this WW in these movies, tho

>also the nu-52 run by azzarello was fairly good.
Boring, goes nowhere and it's just not WW

I guess it's entertaining ass an Elseworld

>Diana runs into the man whose body Steve was inhabiting, and they share pleasantries as Diana reaffirms her faith in humanity and her vow to defend it.

Are they expecting us to be sad watching a dead guy die again?

We know he's available, since JJ and his sycophants managed to kill Star Trek faster than the Next Gen movies.

>Steve Trevor's spirit possesses another man's body because Wonder Woman accidentally wishes he would come back from the dead while near a wish granting stone. Later that night Wonder Woman rapes this other man's body.

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So the lasso now lets her talk to other people connected the person it's attached to? Also she has indestructible armour and can turn shit invisible? Good lord I bet this dreck is even worse than the first one.

who cares about this garbage, when's Joker II coming out?

Never, it's a one-off and should stay that way.

At least tell me we're getting some foot shots.

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Wow, that is retarded as fuck. That's worse than BVS, Justice League and Suicide Squad combined.

Because it’s Call of Mountain Duty: The Generation

Will they green light a third movie? This probably isn’t gonna be a success with corona and all the delays.

I love how this board constantly considers it above Reddit and capeshit and yet you all gush over fucking Wonder Woman plot leaks. Absolute faggots

No one is gushing here, mate. We're all lambasting it.

No, we’re not.

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