
Thread for classics, arthouse and auteur cinema.

Howdy Anita Ekberg edition


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That girl has a LOOONG neck!!

another webmless thread

I'm seeing double! Four /film/ threads

get that up ya

Thoughts on La Haine? Especially from Americans since they're kinda living it now

I'm seeing double! Four posts asking for opinions on La Haine

Is irreversible actually any good or is it just shock value? Never seen it but I know about the rape scene and violence.

Beautiful work over my Travolta pic, Ekbergbro. Unironically a great OP- if too early.

Great film and a brutal experience. Among the most memorable of the decade.

Who's your favorite film critic? For me, it's pic related

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yeah so underrated dude

Did I get filtered with Through a Glass Darkly? It feels like standard Bergman but doesn't live up to expectation. It's like Autumn Sonata instead of Personal or Wild strawberries.

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Based Jokerchad

It's not a top Bergman for me either

>plot setup

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Watch out!!!! Pepe is going to SHOOT SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like a peaceful protest to me, bigot

I think it's one of his best films personally. What didn't you like about it?

The Happening was actually imaginative and thought-provoking

Daddy Longlegs was bad, but now I understand their themes more. They're just SJWs promoting slave morality, knew there was something always nagging about their films.

Based filmwatcher exploring a filmography and getting further insights about the directors's intentions and preoccupations

Give me some asian kino to watch. Nothing before 1990 though. I liked all of yangs films, lust, caution and the regulars like chungking etc, thought in the mood for love was boring and stopped watching 15 minutes in.

Yeah I'm going to do their first film, doc, and shorts next, even though I dislike their aesthetic and everything I've seen from them aside from their short Goldman V. Silverman. They should just make shorts desu, but there's no money or acclaim in that, there's this Ken Jacobs aesthetic to their early work that becomes unberable at feature length but could work in small spurts, and they're too morbid for the sake of morbidity. That should be complemented by some Kafkaesque dark humor.

Love & Pop


>Nothing before 1990 though
Never going to make it. But have you seen WKWs films, HHHs films, Chang-dong's films, or Zhangkes, or Koreedas. These are the obvious starting points. I'd also say Allen Fong's Ah Ying from 83 or so first, if you're flexible about that rule.

>thought in the mood for love was boring and stopped watching 15 minutes in.

The Man From Nowhere (which is a by the numbers action melodrama, but I doubt you would stop this one 15 minutes in)
The Assassin

Watched this yesterday and it immediately turned into my favorite movie when it comes to portraying relationships. I'm happy I identified less with the main character than I would have done 5 years ago and I'm curious to see how I would feel about the movie when watching it 5 years from now.

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to whoever recommended this

it's boring

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There's a lot there, what hit you exactly?

>man from nowhere
yes i already know this very popular movie that everyone has seen
boring and no plot
gee i sure haven't seen the most popular asian movie in the last 10 years you reddit fuck

Tale of Cinema